GrreatTeacher Why oh why would they go outside to try to stop the violent guy?
Classic example of what happens when you "obey any instruction we may receive whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."
local jehovahs witnesses kingdom hall attacked, man arrested.
posted: oct 19, 2015 9:00 am mdtby anthony j. garcia.
brian oatman.
GrreatTeacher Why oh why would they go outside to try to stop the violent guy?
Classic example of what happens when you "obey any instruction we may receive whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."
researchers have found evidence of ancient microorganisms that lived in what is now western australia at least 4.1 billion years ago.
if confirmed, the discovery suggests that life originated on earth 300 million years earlier than previously thought.
.... the ancient microorganisms in question were found trapped inside zircons formed from magma in western australia.
The earth is about 4.5 billion years old, so these organisms came just 400 million years later!
local jehovahs witnesses kingdom hall attacked, man arrested.
posted: oct 19, 2015 9:00 am mdtby anthony j. garcia.
brian oatman.
GrreatTeacher Why oh why would they go outside to try to stop the violent guy?
Because JW attendants are just like every other JW. Their only qualification for a privilege is that they do 8 hours ministry each month.
They are untrained men, unprepared and clueless when it comes to anything other than greeting someone with a politeness as they enter the hall. Most are also physically incapable, either being too old or too fat.
I can see it now, all the attendants looking at one another in panic not knowing what to do, then along comes Brother Assertive or Elder IHaveAnIdea and they all follow his foolish lead, ending up injured.
I bet that the sisters there were the ones who said to call the police, they have no fear of usurping a clown elder and losing a position.
we had another letter read this week from the 'slave' that asked for more money again.. it asked for a resolution to be passed by all congregations in support of the circuit overseer to pay their expenses and medical expense was included in there.. a resolution was put on the floor and voted upon and agreed by show of hands that our congregation would send over $2,000 for the year 2016.. the society broke it down to how much it would be per year for each publisher but i do not remember what they suggested.. i was glad i was listening in and not present this week because it would have been obvious i did not support the resolution because my hand would not have been up when the attendance took a count.. has anyone here also had the letter read at their service meeting this week?.
The WT will probably grab as much money "for CO's" just before making half the CO's redundant.
I'm amazed they haven't thought of a "sponsor a bethelite" scheme yet.
The bethelite can draw the sponsor a picture once every six months, or send an occasional photo of how clean their room is.
a day in the life.
i took a hot bath this morning.
then, after making my bed and saying "good morning" to my roommate, sana--i jumped on my bike and headed off to breakfast.sound exciting enough for you yet?
Just taking a look at those locations.
I bet it's nicer to sit outside beside a fountain with nearby pedestrians to engage with than it is to sit indoors overlooking a quiet car park.
Seems like a pleasant way to spend some time!
which parts of the publications are the innacurate words of 'just imperfect men', and which parts are the inerrant words from the mouthpiece of jehovah on earth?.
how can you trust that you are being given correct information?
the governing body.
Zoos compare the teachings of God's mouthpiece from 2015 to the mouthpiece of 1925. It's not even the same religion.
I recently told an elder that if there are any more doctrinal changes then we'll all need to get baptised again.
steven pinker charts the decline of violence from biblical times to the present, and argues that, though it may seem illogical and even obscene, given iraq and darfur, we are living in the most peaceful time in our species' existence..
Steven Pinker charts the decline of violence from Biblical times to the present, and argues that, though it may seem illogical and even obscene, given Iraq and Darfur, we are living in the most peaceful time in our species' existence.
there has been many threads from various posters around the world about recent bethel layoffs.. so far i remember threads about:.
south africa.
united states.
Sri Lanka bethel in Colombo have just notified 20% of the bethelites that they are going to have to leave. They are being encouraged to regular pioneer.
There are also many special pioneers there who are being told they are being reassigned as regular pioneers instead.
these boes just arrived!.
.. re: global assistance arrangement for the 2016 service year .
these boes just arrived!.
.. re: global assistance arrangement for the 2016 service year .