Cofty, in your explanation you equate food sacrificed to idols with idolatry, I'm guessing by linking Acts 15 to Leviticus 17.
Was there any other reason you did this, e.g. alternative translation, etc.?
10 " any israelite or any alien living among them who eats any bloodi will set my face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from his people.
12 therefore i say to the israelites, "none of you may eat blood, nor may an alien living among you eat blood.
15 'anyone, whether native-born or alien, who eats anything found dead or torn by wild animals must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be ceremonially unclean till evening; then he will be clean.
Cofty, in your explanation you equate food sacrificed to idols with idolatry, I'm guessing by linking Acts 15 to Leviticus 17.
Was there any other reason you did this, e.g. alternative translation, etc.?
i've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
"Another sly tactic of the Devil is the sowing of doubts in the mind"
I doubted that the 144,000 were the F&DS, doubted that hemoglobin was forbidden scripturally, doubted that the superior authorities were God and Jesus, doubted that vaccinations were wrong, doubted that Gog was Russia and that Satan sowed the mustard seed, doubted the inkhorn man was the remnant, the glorious ones were the anointed, that Paul was the replacement apostle, doubted that resurrected ones would be banned from ever marrying again, doubted that Mt 24:14 was already fulfilled, doubted that chess and zoo's were bad, or that 1935 was the cut off for being called, doubted there were only two key's to the kingdom, doubted that black people were cursed by God and that Spaniards were backwards, doubted that airbaths are good for combating colds and that sunlight kills tuberculosis, doubted that the heart has emotions, that we should only read paper versions of the bible (not online) and that Daniels image's toes had a special meaning, I doubted that lecithin was unscriptural and the time of the end began in 1799, doubted that sexual sterilization was wrong, that the separating work started in 1914 and that Satan was Apollyon, doubted that a the generation who saw 1914 would never die, doubted that Jesus was clean shaven, doubted that Britain was the king of the North, that a rape victim was guilty of fornication and bestiality was no grounds for divorce, I doubted the end would be in the 20th century, that Adam was red coloured and had no sex drive, that the harvest began in 1903 or 1919, I doubted that the anointed were sealed in 1878 or 1881 or 1910 or 1914 or 1925, and will not be raptured, and I doubted that 2014 would be the last memorial.
All these doubts were sly tactics of the GB, not Satan, and my doubts have since been proven right.
My last doubt is that the GB know what they are talking about and that JW's have God's blessing.
i don't follow the board nearly as closely as i did years ago and i've only seen scattered and seemingly contradictory threads on construction delays and bethel layoffs.. anyone care to briefly summarize the latest for those of us who haven't closely followed the various threads?
it'd be greatly appreciated.. thanks in advance..
if recent intel is true, there is only a .23% increase worldwide in 2015. .
notice what is increasing is not the average publisher count, according to the above watchtower quote to spin the bethel downsizing, but the work.
"the little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation.
the Kingdom work is expanding at an accelerated pace
If by 'expanding' they mean stagnating, and if by 'accelerated' they mean stagnating, then I think they are right.
jw memorial attendance last year - 2014 - was about 50,000 shy of 20 million.
some posters on this forum had confidently predicted before the 2014 memorial that attendance would hit more than 20 milion.
they were wrong.. now, in 2015, and the memorial falling on a weekend night (where attendance is historically much higher), attendance has not only failed to top 20 milion but has declined by more than 87,000 in attendance over 2014:.
Presumably it's got worse since then.
Here's an example that happened in my k.hall recently.
I was telling someone about my long-term plans, and this person is a very zealous publisher.
They remarked loudly "You won't be doing that, Armageddon will be here soon!"
Everybody, and I mean 'everybody' in hearing distance turned to look at us and openly started laughing.
My response was "they told that to my mother and my grandmother. I think we know better by now, don't we."
jw memorial attendance last year - 2014 - was about 50,000 shy of 20 million.
some posters on this forum had confidently predicted before the 2014 memorial that attendance would hit more than 20 milion.
they were wrong.. now, in 2015, and the memorial falling on a weekend night (where attendance is historically much higher), attendance has not only failed to top 20 milion but has declined by more than 87,000 in attendance over 2014:.
Still being 'in' I can feel a general malaise that I've never seen before.
People are openly critical, laughing at the new teachings, and angry at the constant demands for money. More and more are skipping meetings, and the hall is rarely full these days.
There's confusion about what's going on with the preaching work, pressure to use tablets, and everything is changing.
These next few years will be very telling on the yearly statistics.
will soon be discussing w/ somebody still in about that.
i want to make sure i am not missing anything good.
so any scriptures, articles whether wt articles or secular about effects of shunning, etc, or your arguments against how wt interprets their scriptures, etc.
why is there a huge cull going on of all bethels around the world?.
about 80% cull within the next year?.
some have been in bethel for decades and will be sent packing, the 20% of bethelites who stay will have to do their own food, laundry and clean their flat.
Hi FB, welcome to the forum.
I think Lett said it clearest in his recent broadcast, "we have more going out than we have coming in."
Tally this with the constant requests and reminders for donations and contributions, reduction in magazine size and quantities, asking the brothers to use their tablets instead of getting hard copies, and removing DO's and Special Pioneers (those that cost the Org real dollars), then you start to see the bigger picture.
Once the various lawsuits start piling up they will need to make every $ count.
Seen elsewhere online
a bethelite was telling me that there are 83,000 theocratic facilities world wide.
he compared that to 35,000 mcdonalds and 21,000 starbucks roughly to show the size of the theocratic organization.
i am not sure where the 83,000 comes from what would he be counting?
average joe the watchtower and awake was the number 1 and number 2 most circulated and read magazines in the world
Maybe before they got reduced each month. Even less likely after Jan 2016 when they are placed individually, and videos are used in the ministry instead.