KM 2014 03 p.2 Para 4. "Will You Seize the Opportunity?
this Memorial be our last? "
so it's not enough that i'm dealing with post traumatic stress/anxiety and panic attacks all related to my life as a jw (50 years baptized -- i stopped going a couple of months ago) at 3 a.m. i get an email from the other side of the world.
'you have to go to the convention.
bro sanderson says we must watch the news, things are happening.
KM 2014 03 p.2 Para 4. "Will You Seize the Opportunity?
this Memorial be our last? "
this is very topical so i thought i'd share a compilation document of 10 audio clips.. these are mostly from before 1975, taken from convention recordings at the time, stressing the importance of 1975 and getting the crowd excited in anticipation.. entire talks are embedded but it's been typed out what was said and the time point it occurs.. this document is 220mb, so be warned.. i hope you're not triggered by the drawn out assembly speech style because this is full of it.. if anyone ever tries to tell you that there was no mention of 1975, hopefully this will give you some evidence.. if anyone with the ability could turn this into a short, shareable video, that would be much more useable and shareable than this (no disrespect to the creator).. click here for the recordings.
it will be gone in one month..
Village Idiot: Yes, Freddy's talks feature in the document, if you can stand to listen to his yelling, nasal proclamations. I also recall something in print about Adam 'trying the animals first', or some suggestion like that, before Eve was created, but I can't locate it - I've just looked.
Annihilator: Very clever! If you just want to listen to the clips as opposed to extract them you can just double click them in the document and an audio player will kick in.
this is very topical so i thought i'd share a compilation document of 10 audio clips.. these are mostly from before 1975, taken from convention recordings at the time, stressing the importance of 1975 and getting the crowd excited in anticipation.. entire talks are embedded but it's been typed out what was said and the time point it occurs.. this document is 220mb, so be warned.. i hope you're not triggered by the drawn out assembly speech style because this is full of it.. if anyone ever tries to tell you that there was no mention of 1975, hopefully this will give you some evidence.. if anyone with the ability could turn this into a short, shareable video, that would be much more useable and shareable than this (no disrespect to the creator).. click here for the recordings.
it will be gone in one month..
It's a word document with the audio files embedded into it.
It was discussed and analysed in detail here
this is very topical so i thought i'd share a compilation document of 10 audio clips.. these are mostly from before 1975, taken from convention recordings at the time, stressing the importance of 1975 and getting the crowd excited in anticipation.. entire talks are embedded but it's been typed out what was said and the time point it occurs.. this document is 220mb, so be warned.. i hope you're not triggered by the drawn out assembly speech style because this is full of it.. if anyone ever tries to tell you that there was no mention of 1975, hopefully this will give you some evidence.. if anyone with the ability could turn this into a short, shareable video, that would be much more useable and shareable than this (no disrespect to the creator).. click here for the recordings.
it will be gone in one month..
This is very topical so I thought I'd share a compilation document of 10 audio clips.
These are mostly from before 1975, taken from convention recordings at the time, stressing the importance of 1975 and getting the crowd excited in anticipation.
Entire talks are embedded but it's been typed out what was said and the time point it occurs.
This document is 220MB, so be warned.
I hope you're not triggered by the drawn out assembly speech style because this is full of it.
If anyone ever tries to tell you that there was no mention of 1975, hopefully this will give you some evidence.
If anyone with the ability could turn this into a short, shareable video, that would be much more useable and shareable than this (no disrespect to the creator).
Click here for the recordings. It will be gone in one month.
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
baldeagle Of the 7 GB members, Mark Sanderson being the youngest would have made him about 10 years old in 1975; therefore, it had no real impact on him a young kid at the time.
Actually Sanderson was baptised in 1975 at the age of 10.
I wonder why.
The other lie in this video is at the 2:00 mark
"Both at meetings and in my personal study I was reminded of what Jesus said, 'Nobody knows the day or hour'."
WT are trying to make it sound like they had nothing to do with the 1975 frenzy that they lit and fanned for years.
I can understand why the WT want to distance themselves from this obvious false teaching that harmed so many. Unfortunately that's not going to be possible for them.
3 missed calls from my jw brother last night.
i didnt answer because he's actively shunning me and when he does ring it always to preach to me about how we're so close to the end and how i should "humble myself before the mighty hand of god" .
he then texts me saying "we need to talk".
Text back:
1883 Armageddon is around the corner!
1903 Armageddon is around the corner!
1923 Armageddon is around the corner!
1943 Armageddon is around the corner!
1963 Armageddon is around the corner!
1983 Armageddon is around the corner!
2003 Armageddon is around the corner!
2023 Armageddon is around the corner!
2043 Armageddon is around the corner!
2063 Armageddon is around the corner!
2083 Armageddon is around the corner!
Luke 21:8. Wake up and stop being afraid all the time.
Note: I started at 1883 as this is the first time it was put into a WT.
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
How any JW who lived through the 1975 shambles can tolerate this deception and blaming is beyond me.
They know what was said. It was the central message at meetings, conventions, in the WT and from door to door.
Newspapers and reporters repeated their stance and there's a ton of their own articles exposing them.
Unlike their catastrophic 1975 failure in which God had nothing to do with their false prophesy, the WT also printed this which still remains true:
"True, there have been those in times past who predicted an 'end to the world,' even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The 'end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing?...Missing from such people were God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding them," (Awake, Oct. 8, 1968).
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
What monsters:
1:38 "Years later another test came our way. You see, back then, some were looking to a certain date as signifying the end of this old system of things. A few even went so far as selling their homes and quitting their jobs."
Yes, a few did do this, BECAUSE WT ENCOURAGED IT!
Look at the pre-1975 evidence:
*** Kingdom
Ministry, 6/69, p. 3 ***
view of the short time left, a decision to pursue a career in this system of things is not only
unwise but extremely dangerous."
*** w71 4/1 p. 214 Preach God's Kingdom with the Right Viewpoint ***
modern times, among the many examples that might be cited is that of the young
American couple that had settled down in a fine home and were planning to raise
a family. Then one day the husband came home and said to his wife: 'Just what
difference is there between us and the people of Christendom? We are contenting
ourselves with mere token service when there is nothing to keep us from being
in the full-time ministry. Let's quit our secular jobs, sell our home and enter the
full-time pioneer ministry.' His wife gulped, for she had been
looking forward to the joys of motherhood, to bearing and rearing a number of
children. But she went to Jehovah in prayer and asked his help. And he did help
her. So they entered the pioneer ministry and in a few years were invited to
attend the Gilead missionary school."
*** km 5/74
p. 3 How Are You Using Your Life?
since the summer of 1973 there have been new peaks in pioneers every month. Now
there are 20,394 regular and special pioneers in the United States, an all-time
peak. That is 5,190 more than there were in February 1973! A 34-percent
increase! Does that not warm our hearts? Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and
property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system
in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time
remaining before the wicked world’s end."
WT will send you down dead end life choices then deny it was them who said to do so.
I've never seen such unscrupulous shamelessness for casually destroying peoples livelihoods.
And with this recent history still impacting people they demand that you trust them??????
about 1910 the brethren writer william d. forsyth self published a booklet entitled israel's greater faith contrasted with zion's watch tower.
i need a copy to further current research.
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