The Official Baptism Countdown!
*** w04 8/15 p. 11 Mexico’s Indigenous Peoples Hear the Good News ***
I was baptized at age 15.
*** w00 4/15 p. 25 Fishing for Men in the Aegean Sea ***
After two months she became an unbaptized publisher, and in March 1998, she was baptized at the age of 14.
*** yb02 p. 110 Curaçao ***
He was baptized at the age of 13 and works very hard in the congregation, preparing well for all assignments. He is as determined as ever to serve at Bethel.
*** yb99 p. 59 Worldwide Report ***
Their son, 12 years of age, was observing something else: “In our family I noticed that my father and mother, as a result of the study, became nicer, and the atmosphere at home became more positive and relaxed.” The husband now appreciatively says: “Jehovah has been long-suffering with us. He did not want us to get destroyed, but he has led us to repentance.” In about seven months, the entire family got baptized.
*** g71 4/8 p. 23 Christian Togetherness in Brazil ***
In Goiânia, a girl eleven years old was among the seventy-seven baptized.
*** yb11 p. 54 Preaching and Teaching Earth Wide ***
Now ten years old, Persis is baptized and is serving as an auxiliary pioneer while in school. Her eight-year-old friend Aasy is already an unbaptized publisher.
*** w95 1/1 p. 24 “Out of the Mouth of Babes” ***
She was baptized while in the fourth grade (9-10 years old), and one of her friends with whom she had studied was baptized in the sixth grade (11-12 years old). Moreover, the mother and two older sisters of this Bible student also studied and were baptized.
*** yb02 p. 110 Curaçao ***
Renzo, now eight years old, was baptized at a circuit assembly in Bonaire.
*** yb11 p. 58 Preaching and Teaching Earth Wide ***
BAPTIZED AT SEVEN. Paola, who lives in western Mexico, is being raised by her grandparents.
*** w92 3/1 p. 27 Pursuing a Goal Set at Six Years of Age ***
In the summer of 1946, I was baptized at the international convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Although I was only six years of age, I was determined to fulfill my dedication to Jehovah.