Fisherman According to your article, the man was not asked if he was "the faithful and discreet slave." He was asked: " you see yourselves as Jehovah God's spokespeople." He responded (clarifying that the FDS are not God's only spokespeople) that others too in the congregation could act and speak with God's Holy Spirit. He meant that God uses other JW (exclusively) besides the GB.
You missed the word "evidently".
Do you know what it means to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
It means that you speak fully and plainly.
If you have to engage in literary gymnastics to validate something to yourself, then either GJ wasn't speaking the whole truth, or you are anxiously trying to twist things to your fragile belief system.
I suspect both of these are true.
Sounds to me like GJ is not the self-appointed spokesman for God, but you are the self-appointed spokesman for GJ.