Posts by Splash
The Borg has given up!!!!
by Crazyguy init's become obvious in the last few days that the borg is done, done giving one dime over to the membership of the organization.
they know or have been told that it's a waste of time to spend money trying to recruit new members so their cutting all out lays of money in this regard to the bone.
they will continue to spend money where they can make a prophet, keeping the ones in, not thinking and donating.
On paper they just lost millions and millions of dollars by 'forgiving' all the KHall loans. -
Churches in Australia could lose millions in tax breaks under radical national faith register plan
by sherrie11 inchurches and religious organisations would lose millions of dollars in tax breaks, concessions and hand outs under a radical plan to force priests, rabbis and imams to sign up to a national faith register.
under the bold proposal clergy would for the first time be forced to undergo government-specified training and security checks and would be monitored by a national body, or risk losing government funding..
former premier ted baillieu has backed the plan that has been put to federal and state leaders including the prime ministers office, and premier daniel andrews..
Satan has higher standards than the Bible, for appointing religious leaders.
We have to rely on his worldly organisations to protect children. -
How much fall-out can we expect?
by DATA-DOG inso the wtbts ( the gb and the branch, aka lawyers and puppet masters ) have decided to end "special pioneering" for some, if not all of the order.
there is no way to accurately predict the fall-out, but it's potentially huge!
jws, for the most part, are under educated, sheltered, unprepared, frightened humans.
It will be revealing to hear the WT spin for laying off SP's.
They can hardly use the same excuse as the one for booting bethelites out - "we need more in the field", because removing Special Pioneers means there are fewer in the field.
Retiring the SP's makes a lie of the reason given about the bethelites.
Are Circuit Overseers next?
by Londo111 inlast year saw the elimination of the district overseer...and circuit overseers now must retire at 70. how long until the circuit overseer is no more?
of course, the role might still exist, they would simply not get paid.
they would have to care for their own expenses.
The CO also organises the Circuit Assemblies which have, interestingly, been reduced from 3 days per year to 2. -
Britain Branch Construction - UPDATE
by The Searcher indefinitely something going in the london bethel.. i thought i'd ask them again (and record it again) what the situation was regarding the new britain branch construction work.. i got the same sister (debbie) and here is how the conversation went: .
me: i've been told that construction of the new branch has been stopped - is this true?.
debbie: no, it has not ceased, it's carrying on as normal - can i ask where you're calling from?.
Just heard that a sister applied to work at Chelmsford, got accepted, so quit her job to go and work there.
She's just been sent home after being told they took too many volunteers on too early.
Are JW's preaching God's Kingdom throuout the entire world?
by Big Derp injust a quick question for anyone who can answer.
i know jw's are not preaching in certain middle east countries because of the "danger".
yet i know for a fact catholics are there despite the danger, and many are being slaughtered and raped.. i have also travelled to many arctic and sub arctic inuit and cree communities.
There was a good article about it a year ago, with a useful graphic.
Essex Newspaper Confirms WT Cutting Back But Not at Chelmsford
by snugglebunny inessex chronicle october 1st as quoted.
link below.. jehovah's witnesses have quashed rumours that the bid to bring their headquarters to chelmsford could collapse due to financial turmoil.. the international bible students' association (ibsa), the organisation which circulates the christian group's literature, said on monday that the construction in temple farm in west hanningfield will continue.. an anonymous source contacted the chronicle on friday claiming a woman in the ibsa's construction department confirmed the project would terminate.. the man, a current jehovah's witness member, said: "something major is going on with the organisation financially.".
the ibsa did however confirm it was pulling the plug on other construction projects worldwide.. stephen morris, ibsa's personnel support manager at its branch relocation department, said: "in order to make best use of contributed funds, some construction projects worldwide will be delayed or cancelled.. "however, we are pleased to confirm that the temple farm project will continue.
Stephen Morris, IBSA's personnel support manager at its branch relocation department, said: "In order to make best use of contributed funds, some construction projects worldwide will be delayed or cancelled.
A tacit admission that the worldwide stoppages are because of financial issues.
First post I’ve seen where a Circuit Overseer is trying to denigrate the Royal Commission. Are these new instructions from WT?
by John Aquila in
Tenacious Romans 13:1-4
Come on then you lazy arse, print the verse instead of making 700 lurkers look it up.
Sheesh, make an effort!
"Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities..."
I went down in the first Round!
by John Aquila inthere is a visitor brother in town and from what ive been told, he has been a missionary for many years and they were having a get together for him.
i took my mom to that get-together yesterday and stayed for a few minutes.
i heard a group around a table with the visitor brother talking about how hard it was getting in the world with so many distractions and that many of the brothers were falling into the trap and leaving jehovahs organization.
The thing is john, we often go into these debates feeling anxious and as soon as we get an unexpected response we panic and can't think clearly. I'm certain this is related to the way we are conditioned while in the organisation.
I think that as you keep raising these points and questioning, then you will feel less anxious and more able to respond to the flimsy reasonings that are put up in defense of the WT.
One thing I learned from Angus at the Royal Commission was how cool he was. He never let go of his ability to think and reason.
Generation changes chart - 3rd edition
by truthseeker ini started working on this chart 5 years ago.
i didn't think i'd have to update it again so soon.. .
linky in case image doesn't show below.
Jesus even explained what he meant very clearly when he described in more detail what was to come in (Mt 23:33-38)
33 “Serpents, offspring of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of Ge·henʹna? 34 For this reason, I am sending to you prophets and wise men and public instructors. Some of them you will kill and execute on stakes, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city, 35 so that there may come upon you all the righteous blood spilled on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zech·a·riʹah son of Bar·a·chiʹah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. 36 Truly I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation. 37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent to her—how often I wanted to gather your children together the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings! But you did not want it. 38 Look! Your house is abandoned to you.
Jesus was talking about Jerusalem, and that the generation then living would see its destruction.
It's so clear compared the messed up GB fairy story.