it sounds like a lot of you are very jealous of the Wt. Society’s annual income and the money they/we have in the bank. Jehovah has indeed blessed us. HIS people!
The Catholics have more money than WT does. Your logic means that Jehovah is blessing them more.
Besides, since when is money any proof of God's blessing?
Does this mean wealthy individuals are being individually blessed by God?
If so then there are many JW's who are not being blessed, having been falsely told 50 years ago that they would never grow old in this system, so skipped getting properly educated.
As usual, the simple mind of a parroting JW does not stand up to any level of questioning.
The reason I no longer associate has nothing to do with the preconceived ideas you swallow from the WT.
I no longer associate because the JW teachings are based on sand, are mans philosophy, and are provably wrong.
You can ignore every single example of where the WT have got things wrong, you can excuse all their mistakes, flip flops, teaching changes, deceptive misquotes, appalling treatment of the flock, love of money and history rewriting (AKA 'lies') if you wish to remain blind. That is your choice.
As for me, I've accepted that everything I was taught by JW's simply does not stand up to rational, honest, unbiased investigation, therefore the GB are not specially blessed by God, therefore I have no duty to follow them.
I suspect that you will continue to blindly believe everything you are told, even when they switch ideas 180 degrees. "It's so clear now. It just makes sense!". Until it changes again...