Christ Alone, I think it's not just about what they said or did not say. They had a responsibility to consider how their words would be picked up by Witnesses. Most likely they never said that the end would come in 1975 because they knew it was a risk, but isn't it likely that they counted on Witnesses being hyped up? It was their responsibility to use and choose words very carefully. They failed. I think they willfully insiunated the whole 1975 thing knowing that it would be beneficial for them. It was an opportunity to push Witnesses' buttons and get them to work harder.
JoinedPosts by Sauerkraut
1975 For Deniers
by Farkel in1975 for deniers.
most of today's jws were not members in 1975 or in the 9 years prior to 1975, so they were not eyewitnesses to what really went on during that period.
i was a pioneer in that period, and i was an eyewitness to what went on.. those jws who are still active today and who were around in that period will typically say it was the "brothers" who "ran ahead of jehovah" and "read more into" the 1975 prediction than what was actually stated.
"Assembly Day 1" "Elders Will Help You Understand Society's Publications That Contradict The Bible"???
by ÁrbolesdeArabia in"data-dog", elders do not have time to involve themselves with publishers "personal, secret views", why can't the sheep do their own personal thinking and keep it to themselves if they desire to remain "in good standing"?
watchtower is afraid of the internet, men like simon, randy and greg stafford, anderson cos (women too) sites putting questions into thinking jws heads.
the wts is nervous because of the effect sites like jwn, freeminds, e-watchman, elihu , jw romania".
Elders have no time to help, it's the sad truth all JWs must eventually face.
How many Elders are simply too busy with shining and glory seeking?
When will the Watchtower Society allow elders to keep their own houses from imploding?
Maybe it's harsh to say this: who forces anyone to be an Elder?
Elder's are underappreciated, do all the shit work, do their best to try to help the sheep.
Are you sure about that? How many Elders have their noses in the air? I have Elders in my family, they are some of the worst people I have ever observed. They don't care about helping sheep, it's all about status and being in the elite club. They've become extremely arrogant and like to dominate others. Perhaps Elders are becoming more and more underappreciated because the sheep see that they can't depend on them, at least not always. When you read the publications you are shown how it's supposed to be and I can imagine that many then see that reality is far different, that their shepherds aren't there for them, that they don't seem to care or are too busy.
(Most elders are good people, some are very bad, a small minority are wicked) with no formal education.
Most Elders can switch to very bad very quickly when it comes to taking care of business, as many here can testify, myself included. They'll forget about compassion and kindness. To some extent they can't be blamed, they're conditioned. But I wouldn't call them good people. Good company men for sure.
My observation is that many Elders want to shine but don't want to get their hands dirty, meaning doing the real work- taking care of people, looking after people. Statements as "I would really like to help out the weak, but I just don't have the time" are revealing. How many have that mentality? Saying something like that openly reveals who matters and who doesn't.
Circuit Assembly Highlights. Day 1
by DATA-DOG inwell things were actually pretty boring.
i mean really boring.
that's the price of fading i guess.
Data-DOG, Bro, wasn't even thinking you were sensationalizing. Just making sure because it's one thing if "regular" Witnesses speak of "where shall we go to", but if someone on stage says it it's even worse. Either ignorance or manipulation at its best on the speaker's part.
Flipper, I hope you're right. Would be great. Don't want the GB folks to enjoy the donated luxuries too much, let'em worry all day long. How weird that non Witnesses are demonized but then Witnesses are supposed to love them and help them join true worship. If you fear someone you'll have a hard time to be open enough to help him. Maybe it's just my relatively new awakening but they seem to become more and more cultish.
Circuit Assembly Highlights. Day 1
by DATA-DOG inwell things were actually pretty boring.
i mean really boring.
that's the price of fading i guess.
We must accept the entirety of the truth through God's Organization! Every truth we have ever learned has been through the Oganization and the FDS! We must all be of the same mind! We should not harbor private beliefs, even in our own minds and hearts! We do not believe teachings that go beyond God's word or the publicationns of the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class. ( Yep, he said class ) We do not visit websites that are critical of our doctrine!
OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Almost every untruth having an impact on my life came from the Organization and FDS! Way to go. Not harboring private beliefs in our minds? If that isn't an attempt at mind control, sadly many Witnesses will drive home and feel ashamed because they have doubts inside.
3) Remember that every truth you have ever learned come from the Organization! Remember Peter said " Where else can we go? "
Did the speaker really say that? Wish I could see the outline.
Also, we must not cling to cultural norms in place of Bible principles. Like all night wakes for the dead, Women spiritually taking the lead in the home, EXCUSING CHILD ABUSE AND SPOUSE ABUSE, wild parties, lunch with workmates. Loyalty to family may sound good, but is it?
The hypocrisy of JWs never ceases to amaze me, they are so out of touch with reality. Often the Org reminds me of secret societies. There's one image for the public, then there's one image for the majority of believers and the higher you rise the more you get to know what's really going on. Most Witnesses have no idea about the child abuse cases and how they are kept hidden. That was one of the things that really freaked me out when I started researching online. Most will sit there and blame evil Catholics for their filthiness and child abuse cases, unaware that their own religion is no better, worse even because no one in the Organization ever stands up to do something about it.
Some of the things that they call "cultural norms" really are normal things for human beings. Not all parties are wild, having lunch with workmates- what's bad about that? Loyalty to family? Oh yeah, in the last days people will be disloyal to parents... and without natural affection... JWs at the forefront far too often. Anything that is emotionally healthy for people is bad and dangerous. Evil workmates, evil family. Hopefully most have decent if not good workmates so they secretly come to the conclusion that the advice in such programs is over the top.
Another quote: " Do not listen to Apostates. Avoid those who teach what is contrary to the teachings of Christ Jesus! "
Yes, don't listen to the folks in Brooklyn.
Data-Dog I don't envy you for having to sit through that. Good luck with day two, don't loose your cool. Don't hurl your bible at any of the speakers. Thanks for sharing some thoughts and notes.
New here
by Change Name ini had been studying with the jehovah's witnesses for the last couple years.
they have been interesting study sessions and have learned quite a bit about them and their beliefs.
much of what they teach is what i had learned through personal bible study.. growing up was normal.
If what you say is true, you've never been a Witness, so how much experience do you have? Can you really say you know what you're talking about?
Pathetic 'get out clauses' in the any?
by punkofnice ini remember years ago being on failed circus and the 'householder'(tm) was an atheist/agnostic.. he was shown the scripture: 'all scripture is inspired of god..' 2 tim 3:16. his reply: 'well, it would say that about itself wouldn't it!?!'.
good point.
i actually saw his point at the time too and it made me think.....though not quite enough.. i now see that scripture as a pathetic get out clause.. i also think about the justification to believe in god...otherwise you're an idiot scripture psalms 14:1. .
The thing about 2 Tim 3:16 is that Paul (some say the Timothy letters are forgeries, so it may not have been Paul who said that) refered to the "old testament", so using it for the complete bible is stretching things. I'm not sure that even Paul would say his letters were "scripture".
Who is supposed to do the "Separating Work" for the new magazines?
by nochoice inso, there is a bit of a fight going on in our hall between our pioneer sisters and our magazine servant.
since the new magazines are boxed with two issues together, there is a bit of work to be done separating them.
our magazine servant stacked them on the counter as usual, right out of the box.
Just let the pubs do it and let them count it as service time. Problem solved and everybody is happy. And the hours of service increase too.
Well we can shoot down one rumor - the 2013 district conventions are officially 3 days long...
by sir82 in...according to a letter to all boes dated 11/11/2012.. there is nothing new or different (or interesting!
) in the letter.
same stuff as has been covered over the past 20+ years.. .
Am I glad I won't have to get hemorrhoids from sitting in stadium chairs for three days anymore. Conventions were one of the most hated things.
Pat Condell on Aggressive Atheism
by cantleave inthis is pretty much how i feel.......who disagrees with this?.
How do you feel about the violations of humans rights that are happening in the name of your and my governments today? What many western nations do these days is counter productive. Are you aware of that? Many people in other countries care more about that than any idea of human rights that you would like to pass on to them. Many don't even take us serious anymore because of that.
Pat Condell on Aggressive Atheism
by cantleave inthis is pretty much how i feel.......who disagrees with this?.
But when it comes to human rights, there is no room for compromise. Those of us that have grown past that desert god, have learned from our experiences, and have worked to better things for ourselves and others, should never shirk away from these accusations. In fact I embrace them and call myself guilty of caring more about human rights than some dusty writings attributed to some tribal god. Shoot me.
Looks like there's plenty to do in our own countries before we can even think about fixing other places.