Elders have no time to help, it's the sad truth all JWs must eventually face.
How many Elders are simply too busy with shining and glory seeking?
When will the Watchtower Society allow elders to keep their own houses from imploding?
Maybe it's harsh to say this: who forces anyone to be an Elder?
Elder's are underappreciated, do all the shit work, do their best to try to help the sheep.
Are you sure about that? How many Elders have their noses in the air? I have Elders in my family, they are some of the worst people I have ever observed. They don't care about helping sheep, it's all about status and being in the elite club. They've become extremely arrogant and like to dominate others. Perhaps Elders are becoming more and more underappreciated because the sheep see that they can't depend on them, at least not always. When you read the publications you are shown how it's supposed to be and I can imagine that many then see that reality is far different, that their shepherds aren't there for them, that they don't seem to care or are too busy.
(Most elders are good people, some are very bad, a small minority are wicked) with no formal education.
Most Elders can switch to very bad very quickly when it comes to taking care of business, as many here can testify, myself included. They'll forget about compassion and kindness. To some extent they can't be blamed, they're conditioned. But I wouldn't call them good people. Good company men for sure.
My observation is that many Elders want to shine but don't want to get their hands dirty, meaning doing the real work- taking care of people, looking after people. Statements as "I would really like to help out the weak, but I just don't have the time" are revealing. How many have that mentality? Saying something like that openly reveals who matters and who doesn't.