Where does faith come from? Once you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior you are given the holy spirit to increase and strengthen your faith. Galations 3: 5 - "Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law or because you believe what you have heard? 3:24 We are justified by our faith.
Are you saying that God will decide who will have faith and who won't? So that a person who hears the Gospel, God will decide if that person will believe it or not? That is a narrow view of election and denies that Jesus died on the cross for all.
Free will started in Genisis when God gave the direction to Adam to eat from all trees but one. He was free to chose to follow God's direction or not. He chose not to. That is the same as believing or not believing in Christ. We are free to believe or not. If we believe, we receive the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and increase our faith. But the intital choice is ours to make.
Look at Jesus' words to the blind and mute in Matthew 9:28 - He asks them "Do you believe that I am able to do this? They respond yes they believe. He says " According to your faith will it be done to you"
The same is true for our salvation. It starts with our belief in Christ as our savior. Once that door is opened God takes over from there.
Does God have to wait for our belief? Of course not. He is all powerful. But he has given us the choice to believe or not. That is what we do. Than through our faith we our saved.
Your definition of election has been descibed as follows: The traditional definition avers that election is God's act of choosing some persons for salvation and other persons for damnation. Do you agree?
My belief is as follows: God's grace has made salvation possible and in establishing a covenant relationship with all who believe. It centers on Christ's provisions of salvation rather than human destiny. I take it you would not agree.