Topics Started by RWC
Jesus film Slammed
by TopHat in
archaeologists and clergy slam jesus filmby marshall thompson.
associated press.
Revelling in not believing
by PaulJ inok i've been thinking about posting this for a while.
i'd really love to see what people think, there might even be people who think the same thing.. as jw's we got every single little thing rammed down our throats right?
so, we had set beliefs or answers for everything- does god exist?, are there aliens?
Do you think it's possible that Jehovah has Munchausen Syndrome?
by UnConfused ini mean seriously, who let's people get sick only to look like a hero to "save" them?
Professed Atheists who have helped society
by RWC inthere seem to be quite a number of atheists who comment here.
when they argue how bad religion has been for society they point to actions done in the name of religion that are indeed horrific, such as the inqusitions.
there are also examples of course of non believers who have done great damage to society.
What will Jehovah's Witnesses do when they realize they've been lied to
by cultswatter ini think there might be a mass revolt.
imagine a mob of 100,000 angry dubs in newyork smashing down wt 25 using telephone posts as battering rams.
then the looting and the destruction of every wt property in newyork and elsewhere.
The vote is in: SCIENCE vs RELIGION......who won?
by Terry inhistory has demonstrated:.
religion is following orders by implicitly trusting someone or something.. science asks questions.. religion purports to answer questions.. science seeks to disprove its own conclusions.. religion seeks to reinforce its own dogma.. science is error-correction toward adjusting for realities as they unfold.. religion internalizes against reality by mocking up a substitute.. science is the most recent development of the human mind.
technology proves science to be successful in advancing human progress.. religion disdains human progress and waits for the end.
Bible is God's word?
by Moxy inid like to hear some *reasoned* explanations for why you believe the bible is gods word.
ive been so fascinated by the study of *real* biblical scholarship since i began educating myself, i now find it incredulous that i used to take the bible as divine, along with all jws and tons of christians, including a good number here.
so id like to entertain your very best lines of evidence that this is the real deal.. mox
The Bible - inerrant word of God?
by Mr Bean inthe deeper you look into, clearer picture is emerging that god had not any input in these writings at all.
there are many verses, even whole passages which exist in some editions and in some they do not.. he evidently didn't supervised writers or copyists and we have plenty of evidences of that, his name in nt included.. since gospels of peter or thomas are not regarded as valuable and important documentations of jesus' life, only one conclusion comes to my mind.. as a moral guide the bible is an excellent book, written by... men!.
highly recommended!.
Jacob's Branches and Genetics: Bible Error
by JosephAlward injoe alward.
about a year ago i raised this issue of the bible-writers' apparent belief that the color of one's offspring is determined in part by what you're looking at while you're mating.
we didn't obtain then what i considered a satisfactory resolution of this problem, so i'm presenting it once again for the forum's consideration:.