Hey, can I be goddess of the library? Just think...three 'elders' and me...all alone...hey, instead of verbalizing confessions, perhaps we could act them out?? Instead of judicial committees, we could have seducing committees!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Welcome to Lidia, Nixi and Lesley (and Steven)...this can be a great place for working through some of the residual JW issues we have after leaving. It's also a great place to make some true friends, as I've found. Please keep posting and let us know how you are all doing!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
i don't know if this was discussed here before, but, what is the most ignorant comment you ever heard an elder say.
i once had an elder say to me that my brother, who was at the time fighting in vietnam will be destroyed and killed over in 'nam because he did not accept "jehovah"!!!!
(((((Hugs))))) to everyone who posted about their painful experiences with the elders...
Stupidest comment I remember:
When I was trying to deal with the sexual abuse I had endured as a child and come to grips with having to see my abuser at every meeting, on the platform, etc...I thought perhaps I should take my two babies and just go to a different hall, as it might be easier for me to make the meetings. The PO and another elder came by and the PO told me that if I went to another hall, I would just pick another person to 'have a problem with' and as an 'excuse' not to stay there. He told me it was my attitude that was the problem!! Um yeah, I wonder: Does that mean he knew there were child molesters in every hall??? What an idiot.
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
many of you have wondered where maximus has been the past while and i would like, with his permission, to fill you in on a few details that will shed a light his recent sabbatical.. maximus and others have been working for some while on his book which i can assure you will bring some very interesting information regarding wts issues into the public arena.
without giving too much away, the book will be unique in the sense that it will embody theology with personal experience and present a helping hand through the process of challenging wts theology in a practical way, to establishing a meaningful and fulfilling life after the wts, if a person so chooses to walk this path.
many who know maximus personally will validate the fact that he has a vast fund of knowledge and experience of wts life and that he wishes to use this to heal rather than to further enflame.. the book which is still in its embryonic phase, will be the first of a number of projects developed by a new publishing company to aid those who are undergoing crisis in their lives, whether theologically or emotionally.
i have gone through various emotions including anger at the wtbts for all that i went through while growing up only to be disfellowshipped at 22.. my net result is a dead father due to the blood issue and a split family and, of course, years of wasted time.. i would like to say, however, that i am not angry with all witnesses and i am not a conspiracist who believes the leaders have a hidden agenda.. i believe that informed persons should be able to join the witnesses if they believe it is right for them.. what i hate though is the fact that thousands of children, like i was, are still indoctrinated from birth.
they are told "we don't baptise babies because they are too young to choose it for themselves.
" but in reality, what choice are you really giving a child who by the age of 13 would have experienced: 3380 hours of meetings, 832 hours of larger assemblies, possibly 1560 hours of field service, at least 2028 hours of personal study (watchtower, book study and personal study) and more importantly, what choice does a child have who is told they have an open mind but who is never allowed examine religions or persons with opposing views?.
Good thread. I can relate to what you and Harmony are going through. I have a neice and nephew who are not only being raised JW but have the double whammy of having a seriously sick, twisted father (my evil older brother). I am not allowed any contact whatsoever with them; in fact, about two or three years ago, my nephew with whom I had always been very close, wrote me a letter in which he stated that I was no longer his aunt. All I can do is hope for the time when he will start to put two and two together and hopefully, remember the bond we once had. It is still there in my heart (always will be). He is 17 or 18 now and I live for the day when I or my sister will get the opportunity to show him life from a different perspective than what he's always known. But I don't hold my breath and there is a deep sadness in me whenever I think of him. But hope springs eternal....
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
i'm doing some interesting research on the procedure of reinstatement back into the org.. if anyone here can relate how many months/years passed by from the time you got df'd, till the time you got reinstated, it would be very helpful.
also include how often elders met with you, if you attended meetings regularly during the time you were df'd, and if you approached the elders for reinstatement(and how many times you approached them), or they approached you.
I was very interested reading what you shared with us...and what a lame ass response from the society!! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, tho. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I attended a meeting or two at the South Cheektowaga congregation back in '89 or '90...I was in Buffalo (right outside Buf. actually) visiting relatives and actually drug my rear to a sunday meeting . Small world huh?
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
i keep having this dream that i have started smoking again.. i packed it in years ago, but i am always dreaming that i am in a social situation chatting to friends when i sudenly realise that i have been smoking cigarettes all evening.
then i start to feel very upset and hurl the pack away.
i keep shouting that it was a mistake, that i hadn't even realised that i was smoking, but no-one believes me.
I quit drinking over 5 years ago (out of necessity, believe me!) and I used to have recurring dreams about picking up again. Usually, it would be only a sip or two of beer or wine and then I would feel horrified and try to convince everyone around me that I hadn't meant to! I haven't had many of those dreams in the last couple of years but I think it was just my subconscious still trying to process everything...or maybe it was da debil!!!!!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
i'm doing some interesting research on the procedure of reinstatement back into the org.. if anyone here can relate how many months/years passed by from the time you got df'd, till the time you got reinstated, it would be very helpful.
also include how often elders met with you, if you attended meetings regularly during the time you were df'd, and if you approached the elders for reinstatement(and how many times you approached them), or they approached you.
(((Gwen))) How are ya?? Hope all is well with you....
I was raised a witness, baptized the summer before my 14th bday...df'd at 20. I think I missed maybe 2 meetings while I was trying to be reinstated and finally attained that 'status' 9 months after my df'ing. The elders didn't approach me; I went to them. I got married during that period (can ya guess what i was df'd for?? )...fast forward about 10 or 11 years, when I da'd myself...haven't heard a peep out of the elders! They were glad to see me go cuz I'm a trouble-maker, doncha know.
That's pretty much it in a nut-shell, hope it helps!
Love ya, Dana
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."