Hey Lisa,
This is a great idea for a thread....hopefully, it will help some folks (lurkers, etc) to reason on the WTS.
One of my experiences was when I went to the elders for help in dealing with the issue of my sexual abuse. I had always been taught that the elders were a 'safe haven' and to go to them when there was a need. I've posted my story in the personal experiences forum but one thing that stands out is how I was treated by the elders. At first, they were very warm and welcoming to me but as time progressed there was a subtle and then not so subtle shift in their attitude towards me. My abuser was a member of my congregation and I was having difficulty going to the meetings (with two young children, I might add) and listening to him saying prayers, etc. I did NOT bother the elders on a daily or even weekly basis. I didn't ask them to take away his priveleges in the congregation. I wasn't a troublemaker. All I asked for was help for me and my children. They assured me that we would be included in their family outings, meals whatever. Never happened. One of the elders gave me his pager number and told me to call him at ANY time, he would be there for me. I called him ONCE and he was so very cold that I never did it again. I recently read one of the BOE letters on Silentlambs page and found out why their attitudes changed. Apparently, my needs were taking up too much of their time, in their opinion. BTW...this same elder while never inviting me and my family to a meal, did however see fit to ask my abuser and his family out. That may sound petty but the hurt went deep. Long story short, altho my abuser finally (under pressure and at the word of two other victims) admitted to what he'd done, there was NO disciplinary action taken. In fact, right after this, he was made a regular pioneer. And the congregation was kept in the dark completely. There were no warnings to other parents, no restrictions placed upon him. And I was offered no help other than to be told how unforgiving I was being. I was also accused of causing divisions in the congregation which was a laugh as the only person I had spoken to about the situation, besides elders, was one elder's wife. The final straw for me was when one of my children was molested by an immediate family member of my abuser ALL DUE TO MY FOLLOWING THE ADVICE OF MY 'SAFE HAVENS' and ignoring my own instincts. The only real action I saw by the elders was to quickly implement a CYA policy and do their best to shut me up.
So I left. That was about 4 years ago and today I don't look back. I'm relieved to be out of an environment that punishes victims and rewards those who prey on others.
"I undid his head collar and took him outside for a drink, and felt, if not exactly a communion with him, at least an awareness of being a fellow creature on a lonely planet."
Dick Francis in "To The Hilt"