Is this, like, another one of those word association threads?? Coz if it is, I'll start!
(what else didja expect??!)
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
Is this, like, another one of those word association threads?? Coz if it is, I'll start!
(what else didja expect??!)
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
good morning everybody:.
and happy friday.. i found the following joke very humorous and thought i would share.. once upon a time, there lived a man who had a terrible passion for baked beans.
he loved them, but they always had an embarrassing and somewhat lively reaction on him.
Hey AMarie...that may be an oldie but iss a goodie!
What is it about bodily functions that is just so darn funny?? I dunno but I laugh right along too!
Thanks for the smile today
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
i went out to eat last night with my neice.
we had a few drinks and started talking.
before i knew it the conversation turned to the subject of doubts about the organization and if i recall correctly (hard when you've had a couple) she is the one that brought the conversation up.
Hey (((tweetie)))! Good to hear from ya!
Wow, that's really something about your niece! I don't know, bboy may be right that she was crying from the relief of finally having someone to confide in...she may also be overwhelmed at realizing her doubts are well founded. Who knows? But I think it's wonderful that you two were able to connect and who knows what the future will hold??
I don't know how old your niece is but most of us can relate to how overwhelming it is to start to see that the "truth" isn't really true...and all of the worries and fears that rush in when you think of leaving and the impact that will have on your family and friends. Anyway, I wish you both the best! And it's good to see you here
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic
ok, no one was speaking of aliens or tracy (think41self) lately, but they are talking about vegas!.
tracy and i love las vegas.
we went there for our honeymoon almost 2 years ago.
*Gasp*....*pant*...I'm on the run here...I have to hurry before she catches me...*gasp, pant*...but YES SHE IS!! SHE IS AN ALIEN!!!
Oh no!! not the little laser pointy thin----ARRRRRGHHH!
hey, crazy idea from chat.....doesn't a trip to vegas in say january sound great?.
apost-o-fest 2002 vegas style .
so whatcha think?
Yo! ((((((harmony))))))
Vegas sounds good! Tracy and Doug have been telling me how much fun it is...I imagine I could manage to drag my sorry arse there to hook up with you peeps!!! So count me as a definite maybe!
love ya,
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
(((closer, harmony)))
Runaway Train...god, that takes me back!!! That song had special significance for me too...I was going through such a shitty period in my life, everything crashing down around my ears and I thought I was a goner...but I still love that song!!! Another one from around that time was "What if God was One of Us?" I used to play that one over and over again, too....
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
okay you wild and crazy people...who is dressing up for halloween and whatcha gonna be?.
i'm going to be maid marion and sit on my front porch handing out candy to all the little neighborhood daughter is harry potter this year and my son is some gruesome grinning skeleton with fake blood dripping down his face....what can i say??
how 'bout the rest of youse guys???.
TR...that is too funny!! I wanted to do something like that this year but opted for the nicer route instead...just wait'll next year tho!!!
(((Tina))) lololol...i can just picture you in your horns, what a great mental image! You rock, ya much!
Wendy, the left over candy doesn't seem to be much of a problem around here...I can't imagine why! As for the healthiness of the fake blood, etc...I have no clue! I just know that Justin is as excited as he can be about it...maybe it's a boy thing??
All the rest of you yahoos....I have one word for you:
PICTURES!!!!! I wanna see pictures!! If I can get someone to take some of us, and then if I can get someone to help me figure out how to post them, I'll share too!
Happy Halloweenie Y'all!!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
okay you wild and crazy people...who is dressing up for halloween and whatcha gonna be?.
i'm going to be maid marion and sit on my front porch handing out candy to all the little neighborhood daughter is harry potter this year and my son is some gruesome grinning skeleton with fake blood dripping down his face....what can i say??
how 'bout the rest of youse guys???.
Okay you wild and crazy people...who is dressing up for Halloween and whatcha gonna be?
I'm going to be Maid Marion and sit on my front porch handing out candy to all the little neighborhood daughter is Harry Potter this year and my son is some gruesome grinning skeleton with fake blood dripping down his face....what can I say?? He's 10!
How 'bout the rest of youse guys???
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
meet hurlin' earl.
he just doesn't know when to stop.. -->
Ewwwwwwww!! What a thing to see with my morning coffee!!!
Thanks COMF...I think
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
battling apostates in the future is much more fun than posting on this discussion board!
join fred hall in his quest to rid the galaxy of simontron, the evil apostate master.
download the game from here:.
Hey Steph,
lololol...great games...I think the one of fred blasting simon would be a great one for angharad on those days when she's a bit miffed with hubby!
I'll confess tho, that i enjoy watching simon blow up fred's ship by running into it...lololol
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You