Xanthippe: That's Pixar's Merida from Brave - neat blue dog
Yeah well can you find a female angel image that isn't soft porn?
in all of the art i`ve seen in christendom, angels always have the form of a male, and in the bible those that are named always have a male name such as michael ,gabriel , etc, .
nowhere in the art world that i have seen do angels have the female form, and in the bible they don`t have female names.. so if the angels are neither male or female why then are they depicted as males with male names ?and not female also ?.
the watchtower illustrators also follow this line .when they illustrate an angel it is always in the form of a male and never a female form.. the anointed who make up the 144000 comprise of male and females right ?
Xanthippe: That's Pixar's Merida from Brave - neat blue dog
Yeah well can you find a female angel image that isn't soft porn?
in all of the art i`ve seen in christendom, angels always have the form of a male, and in the bible those that are named always have a male name such as michael ,gabriel , etc, .
nowhere in the art world that i have seen do angels have the female form, and in the bible they don`t have female names.. so if the angels are neither male or female why then are they depicted as males with male names ?and not female also ?.
the watchtower illustrators also follow this line .when they illustrate an angel it is always in the form of a male and never a female form.. the anointed who make up the 144000 comprise of male and females right ?
We need pictures of badass female angels. The Greeks had godesses and female titans but the monotheistic religions are so patriarchal. I wonder why the difference?
well, i've been lurking for a bit.
first out of cautious curiosity, then, though feeling a bit more comfortable to post, got caught in the confirmation email anomaly, and left unable to post or participate.
so i remained lurking, reading and researching.
I wonder 😏
well, i've been lurking for a bit.
first out of cautious curiosity, then, though feeling a bit more comfortable to post, got caught in the confirmation email anomaly, and left unable to post or participate.
so i remained lurking, reading and researching.
Welcome IM! A fan of the Princess Bride?
Well done not exposing your kids to this cult, Kathy. However hard it is leaving it's harder staying imho. As you put it ......
we always say to each other our worst day out is 100 times better than our best day in the cult.
Welcome Kathy, looking forward to your posts. Good to have you here 💖
lately i been sifting though my many emotions after being here on this site.
i feel ive been all over the map just trying to come to grips with the information.
but through all this i feel i'm shunned here as of late due to my (all over the place =-ness).
Caves you're a very deep man. You've done a lot with your life and given a great deal of thought to the meaning of it all so you sometimes stand out as different. Comprende? Need I say more?
do you celebrate and how long have you been out?
3 years for me and yes i do..
Like Biahi I feel my childhood was stolen by that cult. I love the smell of a conifer in my house covered with petty lights. My daughter and I love a roast dinner and having the couple of relatives not trapped in the cult around for a meal with plenty of wine.
We give one another gifts but try to avoid the price of them escalating each year. I hate the commercialisation of Christmas, the huge expensive presents we're expected to give, we resist it, I hate being a victim of advertising.
As with anything else do it your way. I'm not celebrating the birth of Christ I'm joining in with my culture and having fun.
today while out running errands, i was flipping through the radio trying to find something to listen to.
i ended up on some christian type of station, and the guy was talking about the ark, and the flood during noah's time.
personally i no longer believe this fable, because the facts just don't line up.
There are many flood legends. Have a look at the Epic of Gilgamesh.
I suppose there have always been floods and people living in Bronze Age settlements knew only their area, not having jet planes or ICT so it must have seemed like the whole world had flooded.
In their minds the gods were in charge of weather so it was easy to believe God or gods were angry with them when bad weather killed family or tribal members.
i think the most poignant sin would be teaching of false doctrines such as setting a time on jesus's positioning in heaven.
from that single doctrine alone many doctrines or teachings stem and branch off such as the end times, great tribulation and armageddon all to occur concurrently one after the other.
which brings up the question did god actually chose these men in 1919 ?
Deut 18: 20-22
They're false prophets, their prophecies have failed, again and again. They therefore don't speak for God, we shouldn't listen to them. Their answer to the challenge? Overlapping generations - seriously!