Attorney Zalkin works with Barbara Anderson on WTS child abuse cases. I'm sure she has clued him in.
Thanks Blondie I was racking my brain as to where I'd heard that attorney's name before. Barbara has done amazing work, she's a remarkable woman.
the gb members are finally going to be named as individual defendants in child abuse cases.. read more about it here: reap it you vermin!.
Attorney Zalkin works with Barbara Anderson on WTS child abuse cases. I'm sure she has clued him in.
Thanks Blondie I was racking my brain as to where I'd heard that attorney's name before. Barbara has done amazing work, she's a remarkable woman. on friday, attorney irwin zalkin held a news conference in manhattan announcing that two alleged victims, heather steele and michael ewing, will file lawsuits in state supreme court in brooklyn on wednesday.
the lawsuits will name as defendants eight members of the governing body of the jehovah’s witnesses (jws).
now located in tuxedo park, n.y., the jws world headquarters occupied a building with a large watchtower sign in brooklyn.
Thanks Barbara. This is the first time, as far as I know, that the GB have been personally named as defendants rather than just one off the legal Watchtower organisations.
domestic violence in the “tooth”... is this a thing?!.
you are starting to know me by now as i’m always full of questions... my clogs are always in motion and never stop... so another question for you to give me some guidance if you can.
based on pasts experience or cases you might heard of or seen, what advice could you give me in helping someone that is a jehovah witness, married with another jw but lives a marriage that is plagued by emotional domestic abuse and financial control?
I'd be surprised if they weren't at the lower end of the spectrum though as their form of christianity typically promotes respect for women
The religion promotes respect for women in the same way as it promotes respect for children and hatred of child sexual abuse.
They're hypocrites, they talk of respecting women but treat them as domestic workers, baby makers and second class citizens.
domestic violence in the “tooth”... is this a thing?!.
you are starting to know me by now as i’m always full of questions... my clogs are always in motion and never stop... so another question for you to give me some guidance if you can.
based on pasts experience or cases you might heard of or seen, what advice could you give me in helping someone that is a jehovah witness, married with another jw but lives a marriage that is plagued by emotional domestic abuse and financial control?
Well it's obviously a woman being abused because the elders are advising submission whereas the logical thing to do is stand up for herself.
As she's controlled by the cultish teachings of submission to her husband no matter what kind of monster he is her mind is locked in his control by her belief system.
You can only advise that the right thing to do for her children as a JW is follow the concept of love. Love for her children so she can stand up to the abuse having their best interests at heart. As she wont hear criticism of the elder's advice remind her she shouldn't reward unloving and perhaps 'unchristian' behaviour in her husband by submitting to his abuse.
Good luck! Someone under this level of mind control is not going to be easy to help.
domestic violence in the “tooth”... is this a thing?!.
you are starting to know me by now as i’m always full of questions... my clogs are always in motion and never stop... so another question for you to give me some guidance if you can.
based on pasts experience or cases you might heard of or seen, what advice could you give me in helping someone that is a jehovah witness, married with another jw but lives a marriage that is plagued by emotional domestic abuse and financial control?
marriage that is plagued by emotional domestic abuse and financial control?
I have a relative who suffered this for over sixty years. My advice is stand up to your partner, refuse to be controlled.
What part of the vow to love and cherish is this?
What part of loving your wife like Jesus loves the congregation is this might also be persuasive to a JW.
If the abuse then becomes physical the police should be involved. That's 'subjecting yourselves to the superior authorities'.
I am old enough to remember when men could hit their wives in the UK and the police did not interfere it was just called a 'domestic' but not a crime. It is a crime now and needs to be reported.
so i have a question about a not so spoken subject.
so if you feel inappropriate please feel free to ignore me!
has anyone given a thought about what they would like for their funeral one day?.
I put it in my will for my daughter to do as she sees fit. I really don't mind what she does, she knows I'm an atheist.
well, i finally made an account.
i’ve been lurking on here for four or so years, enjoying the debates and experiences of all of you.
it really helped in that initial year after i woke up, when the frustration and betrayal felt strongest.
Hi Lobsto, welcome! You write very well and are obviously very intelligent.
Education and financial independence are the way forward especially if your parents reject your wishes for a new life. You have to eat and live somewhere so take it slow!
there is a snapping vicious junkyard dog in my head.
a dog constantly barking, hungry, terrifyingly intimidating, and above all...relentless!.
unless i feed it a constant stream of input - it threatens to eat me alive.. (it is that monster from the id in forbidden planet.).
we all know/knew people in the kh that were about nuts.
tell us your strangest stories.
i will start.
Strangest JWs? My mother! She made us go to boring conventions when we couldn't even afford holidays or new clothes for that matter.
Standing at the bus stop in London with four kids the Wembley JWs told us to wait at to go to the digs they'd assigned us.
Eleven o'clock and still no buses! If it wasn't for a guy who was keen on my older sister giving us a lift we'd have been there all night.
Still she believed in these incompetent idiots and booked more conventions. Edinburgh was awful, five of us in one room. Not even a drink in the morning let alone breakfast. Those were the days!
the worst form of punishment for any major crime on the planet is death.. however, the second option of imprisonment is way more powerful and popular all over the world.
the most powerful form of imprisonment is called solitary confinement.
by shunning people this is what you inflict on your loved ones who no longer want to be the same religion as you, .
Shunning is an ancient way to treat people who have different beliefs or practices.
The term ostracism comes from the practice of writing a person's name on pieces of pottery called ostracons in ancient Greece and tallying up how many had voted for a person to leave Athens.
How come JWs believe shunning is from Jehovah through the faithfull slave if they did it in Greece two and a half thousand years ago and they worshipped Zeus and Hera?