Happy are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. A good teaching? You have to be strong not meek in this world. Turn the other cheek? Well aside from the fact nobody has a clue what this really means, allowing people to walk all over you as it is sometimes interpreted is stupid. I lived by this creed of be kind, meek, gentle and I did it on the planet of the apes for thirty years. Beaten to a pulp mate. Sheer stupidity.
JoinedPosts by Xanthippe
Sincere question to those who no longer believe in God
by nowwhat? ini get it, not a fan of yahweh the desert god.
but what about jesus?
anything wrong with his teachings like the sermon on the mount and the example he set.
by Akid48 inhey its me if any one remembers me,i just wanted to post saying that ive been doing well.right now im just trying to live life and have some fun while im still a kid.it still sucks to have to go to meetings etc.. like the title i wanted to say thanks for the people that helped me when i was posting a lot.i might post some times but not as much as i used to..
Glad you're doing well and managing to have some fun while keeping your parents happy with cult stuff. Hang in there you'll soon be old enough to leave home. Make your plans to be financially independent as soon as you can.
Russia Uses Nerve Agent to Assassinate Spy
by cofty inwhat started as news of a man and woman being found unconscious on a park bench 12 days ago is escalating into an international incident.. sergei skripal had worked as a double agent for british intelligence mi6 before he was discovered and imprisoned in russia in 2006. he was later flown to england as part of a spy-swap in 2010. on sunday 4th march he was discovered along with his 33 year old daughter yulia close to a shopping centre in salisbury.. since then the story has become increasingly bizarre.
a policeman who was first to attend the scene also became critically ill and remains in hospital.
government scientists at porton down have confirmed that the cause is a russian military-grade nerve agent novichok.
Well yes Putin is a monster responsible for human rights abuses but this hasn't been a problem for our government before, take the Saudi regime for example.
Russia Uses Nerve Agent to Assassinate Spy
by cofty inwhat started as news of a man and woman being found unconscious on a park bench 12 days ago is escalating into an international incident.. sergei skripal had worked as a double agent for british intelligence mi6 before he was discovered and imprisoned in russia in 2006. he was later flown to england as part of a spy-swap in 2010. on sunday 4th march he was discovered along with his 33 year old daughter yulia close to a shopping centre in salisbury.. since then the story has become increasingly bizarre.
a policeman who was first to attend the scene also became critically ill and remains in hospital.
government scientists at porton down have confirmed that the cause is a russian military-grade nerve agent novichok.
I find May's reaction surprising given that very little happened when Alexander Litvinenko was murdered in the UK in 2006. I don't remember any diplomats being thrown out of the country. Is this just the reaction of a PM with a different personality or have Anglo/Russian relations changed drastically?
A weird nut funny voice in the JW dramas
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inmany who have been a jw since the 70- 80s remember the jw dramas coming out yearly.. today they are movies but to the topic.... many of the voice actors are the same.. one however is plain odd.. lets list his roles as i remember:.
the exodus drama: janes.
gideon drama: an anger worshiper of baal.
The one I remember was called brother Friend. Had a thick Jewish accent hence he did all the old patriarch voices. I assume his family escaped the holocaust to the US and changed their name.
Life is a bag of Sh^t
by JRK inhappy st. paddy's day.. that being said, life is a bag of shit.. so please give me some sort of positivity in this post.. i wish i could get it from whom i would like it from, but that is a bullshit dream.. life sucks then you die!.
I took this photo in India last week. It's someone's home. Children have to beg on the street because they're hungry. I hope your life is better than this.
Life is a bag of Sh^t
by JRK inhappy st. paddy's day.. that being said, life is a bag of shit.. so please give me some sort of positivity in this post.. i wish i could get it from whom i would like it from, but that is a bullshit dream.. life sucks then you die!.
Social Media
by Emily1987 inas some of you may remember from a previous post of mine, myself and my husband are in the process of fading.
we began our fade in jan 2017 and haven't been to a meeting since may 2017. to say this time has been a struggle is an understatement.
it has been a lonely time for us, losing all of our so called friends.
Hi Emily, I'm sorry fading is proving to be painful for you. The fake JW friends are starting to show their true colours. As others have said I've found volunteering useful for meeting new people. Also Meetup.com for finding local people to socialise with. Wishing you and your husband all the best as you continue to build a new life.
Today is the date of Albert Einstein birthday 14 / 03
by smiddy3 incan we let this day go past without acknowledging his contributions to the betterment of human society ?.
General relativity was initially rejected by his peers and scientists thought that photon theory, light being made up of small particles was ludicrous. Which is why people make me smile when then demand to see peer review acceptance for every new idea.
Today is the date of Albert Einstein birthday 14 / 03
by smiddy3 incan we let this day go past without acknowledging his contributions to the betterment of human society ?.
Perhaps you could outline his contributions to science for us Smiddy?