Unstoppable- I would like to address the voodoo qustion, but I am basically an athiest- I dont believe in the big G. If he is there I am not afraid.
Voodoo (or vodou) is a powerful system.
In many religions one constant is the presence of posession- I am speaking from the point of view of the Anthropology of Religion. Anthropology is a great field because it is DESCRIPTIVE. Without always inferring a cause to phenomena, anthropology describes phenomena in human societies.
Now, I dont believe the widespread presece of possession necessarily has to be attributed to external beings.
It could be that there is an area of the brain that becomes activated in ritual and does have creative mental power outside of phyiscal, bodily limitations, or there could be an external voodoo Orisha (god) that is actually coming and delivering results, or some combination of the two.
What has been observed, again and again, is the power of a social group to accomplish phenomena which are not easily understood. Healing without medicine, mass mental and physical illness, even speaking in tongues Eulalia. It does happen. the consistency of the phenomena- qualities of sound, etc, mean it is not a one off nor is it faked. It is another state of consciousness whether internally or externally induced.
What fascinates me about this is that this means that reality is socially constructed. IN my opinion, the mental social constructions of a group can be sensed and may develop an nearly material reality.
For example, when you walk into a kingdom hall, there is an actual texture- before any words are spoken, an agreed reality. That to me is the creepiest thing about JWs. That feeling.