Those were great. I downloaded a few of them. There is something transcendent about pictures of galaxies.
Edward - Don't worry they aren't evil. What you feel is inside you. Sorry.
some fantasic pictures:
Those were great. I downloaded a few of them. There is something transcendent about pictures of galaxies.
Edward - Don't worry they aren't evil. What you feel is inside you. Sorry.
if this has been previously posted, sorry, i don't generally read such topics if not sensationalized.. .
*name edit to draw more attention to this deserving thread.
Palego is not in the 97 wt cd.
well, folks, christmas is a comin', and we start off the festive season next week as her ladyship and i have a sixsome for an evening meal.
here's what we are cooking, except that we use sherry rather than madeira wine.
No pastry. Just the above mixture baked in a pan about 5" wide, 8" long and about 4" deep. Maybe it's the same as a casserole dish.
well, folks, christmas is a comin', and we start off the festive season next week as her ladyship and i have a sixsome for an evening meal.
here's what we are cooking, except that we use sherry rather than madeira wine.
I'm not much of a cook, but since no one has explained to the 2 brits what it is, i'll take a shot. It's ground beef mixed w breadcrumbs, spices and maybe some mashed potatoes. It is placed in a pan and baked. Tomatoe sause/soup can be mixed in or poured on top before baking. It's quite good.
Probably some of the pro chefs here could furnish more details.
Here is a question of my own. What are bangers?
a new program just started on itv1 (for us ukers) with john mcarthy of beiruit hostage 'fame'.
examining the stories and archeology of the bible.
this episode seems to be about the walls of jericho.. the question he asked a curator at the british museum made me think:.
Thanks Simon
That is significant. It brings to mind some questions.
Why are chritians following fables? Why not study something real like the old egyptian culture? How many have read the egyptian book of the dead?
holocaust poodles .
it was william butler yeats who wrote, "the innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time.".
before the present time, before "the holocaust" was imposed on the world, independent thinking on this old globe was still possible.. mind you, the world was drenched in war, pestilence and political chicanery, but that is nothing compared with being drenched in judaism, which is what promulgation of "the holocaust" actually signifies, a secular means for judaizing the world.. by "the holocaust" i am not referring to hitler's various depredations but to the unconscionable exaggeration of those depredations, as reflected in the funhouse mirror of the east european khazar mentality.. "the holocaust" infects, corrupts and debases everything it touches because it is predicated on enshrining a master race (the self-chosen) in the name of fighting racism; because it is vengeance personified and because it occludes the greatest bloodbath of the 20th century, the holocaust that was communism, which makes hitler's brief foray into mass murder look like a picnic at pooh corner.. the remarkable quality of this veritable religion of holocaustianity is that its fantastic agit-prop concerning the second world war increases with time, a reversal of the aftermath of every other war in history, in which old wounds are healed and conciliatory facts emerge to counter the moldy yellow journalism of war-fevered fulmination.. and since jewish people are human, this happened to them too for a while.
ran across this in my reading today (the 3rd chimpanzee by jared diamond):.
many primates, including monkeys, baboons, gorillas, & common chimps (and lions) kill infants not their own the bereaved mother is thereby induced to come into estrus again and mates with the murderer, thus ensuring offspring from him.
this is common in human history also.
No, it makes humans animal.
just a bit of fun.... try and come up with a meaningful english sentance that is gramatically correct that has the word 'and' 5 times in a row.. i'll post my version of the solution later.
If you typed and and and, and and in a row, you would have 3 ands.
there has been a number of threads related to evolution in the last month or so.
some posters, like penn, subscribes to a form of creationism, which i for this purpose will define as denial of large scale evolution (sometimes called macro-evolution).. even saner people sometimes alleges that scientists are unnecessarily 'dogmatic' about evolution, and that this is 'just a theory.
' these people may be recent exjws or jws, still believing the watchtower propaganda against evolutionary science, or accepting similar claims from various fundamentalist preachers and groups.
That's strong stuff. I read in a science mag some time ago, that some sections of the human genome were the exact duplicates as in some bacteria or plants. I wasn't able to find it when i looked recently. Has someone else seen this?
if this has been previously posted, sorry, i don't generally read such topics if not sensationalized.. .
*name edit to draw more attention to this deserving thread.
Hey, i thought jehovah was going to wait until the 1000 yr rn to reveal stuff like this. Maybe he decided to do it ahead of time because he saw his people lagging a bit. After His failure in producing the 'worthys' in the 30's and the 'end' in 1975, it's about time he accomplished something.