Ooh, i have never been googled, before;)
i do not understand why many people will not google to see if he/she has a mugshot, criminal record, etc......
Ooh, i have never been googled, before;)
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
Hi, Farkel, king of the name droppers.
S, one of the nobodys
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
He may find less assholeness there than he has found here. Just sayin. In the kinghall, they at least pretend to be nice;)
i have always thought the trinity strange, and has pursued other than trinitarian christianity for my faith.
god does not have partners.
this is monotheism.. thought i d just check out the forum.. peace..
He/she has strong religious feelings. A jw pretending not to be.
Does gods heavenly, wife like org count as a partner? What about mary, who god supposedly impregnated? Was she his partner, or just some woman to be used for a bit, and then set aside?
it is amazing how clear everything is when you just except yourself for whoever you are and not try to live up to a certain expectation.
since i have been out i have received my ba in psychology and now i am in grad school working on my ma in counseling therapy.
and one of the things i have learned since being in school is that i believe people try to use jesus as an escape for unhappiness.
They shout about jesus to drown out their cognitive dissonences. A lot of people hide behind stuff, not just christians. I think that most of us start w the hiding early on in our lives. Then, we slowly drop our defences as we get older. We work towards being more our true selves as we face our fears. Older people are often far along in that. Thats why they often say things considered scandalous.
i started yesterday.
took the kids (they were both princesses) and my nephew to 3 different events.
got tons of candy and the kids had a blast.. .
At tim hortons (thats the canadian equivalent to dunkin doughnuts), i saw a family all in costumes: two little boys w black top hats, black capes, father w a black cape and a high collar w red lining, young mother w a totally black smock and hood on. Leaving, outside in the dark, a huge hootowl flew from one lamp post to another. Yess, it hooted. The next eve, i went to a halloween party dressed as the lone ranger.
maybe i'm the bad guy after all.
my mom and sis love me and still talk to me, although i'm clearly an apostate.
their loophole?
No matter what you do, you will always be the bad guy to somebody. I don't mind that all my jw relatives, all my jw xfriends and jws i worked w think that i'm the bad guy. I do miss some of them, though. Dffing is permanent, more or less. Its something to think about before you get yourself dffed.
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
have anyone read this report published by jonathan.
turley in oct. 10, 2012 ?
don't know his credentials or.
Division of church and state came about because it was seen that protestantism was not a practical way to run a country, run business, etc. Protestantism simply wasn't a practical guide, practicable. By comparison, islam is practicable, more or less. Catholicism is slightly more workable than the protestant. Catholicism is one step removed from the bible, in that the church is its authority, not the bible.
All the above shows that the bible isn't workable. Killing its god is the logical next step; as one would prune a dead branch from a tree. Humanity, is the tree. If islam will also become redundent at some future point will be interesting, for some future generation to see.
an average of five kingdom halls being constructed daily, almost 8 million brothers and sisters, dissemination of bible literature in 595 languages, 111,795 congregations worldwide, distribution of 179 million bibles available in 116 languages, 239 countries where jehovah's witnesses have a presence, etc.. need i go on?.
on the other hand........... crisis of conscience, freeminds, the awaa, jw.net, ummmmmm........hmmm........idk six screens or something?
not exactly working out for you guys.
Why not compare wt success w catholic church success? Its works about as good as your comparison does.