Jay hoover has a secret woman behind his throne, too. I forget her name, just now.
a story from my days as the accounts servant (not verbatim).
me: hello, [brother] here's your copy of the money slip for this meeting, i just finished the count.. cong.
secretary: thanks... who counter signed that there?.
Jay hoover has a secret woman behind his throne, too. I forget her name, just now.
my wifes family has not really kept in contact with her after we left the cult.
i am the main reason but she never was a strong believer she just went with the flow as to not cause problems.
she has not heard much from her mother since the death of her brother 3 years ago.
' LOL I have to laugh at how Dubbers think that somehow the words in the Tower are magical and if you would just sit down and read them you would magically see and the scales would drop from your eyes. bla bla bla.'
Been there, done it, myself. The whole day of socializing was laying the groundwork, softening up, cultivating the field for that very moment of slipping the magical literature into the hands of the target. They wanna snatch her out of the fire. Being able to count time, too. Kill 2 birds w 1 stone, so to speak.
do any of the posters on here deal with this?
i do, and i hate it.
people (mostly my brother) tells me to not fear death and just to enjoy life and so on, but that doesn't seem to help any.
Its an ego reaction. The ego is terrified of siecing existence. Paradoxically, the ego is a fake mental construct, ie, not really real.
Learn to meditate, focussing on your breathing. Learn to focus on the present. Learn to pay attention to the present, what is going on around you. Learn to relax.
has anyone ever thought of creating a jw sitcom?
i mean, there's enough humor and drama in jw culture to keep audiences entertained for multiple seasons.
we have judicial committees, c.o.
Dont forget the closet homosexual, trying his darndest to suppress his nature and go/be straight/hetero. Lots of drama potential, there.
the beatles were on ed sullivan for the first time fifty years ago.
it blows my mind.
i gave them three months and i was a fan before they appeared.
i was reading a life story article in the latest watchtower and had a few thoughts about it i thought i'd share here.
these life story things are always so depressing to me - this one is slightly interesting because it is told by a current "governing body helper".. it's called "full time ministry - where it has led me.
" reading it i just got the impression that this guy (robert) was aiming to be a gb member but fell short and ended up being a gb "helper".
Kinda like being a flunky in the mob.
it seems like at least once a month he is brought up as a good example in the study wt.
it seems like he is given more praise than jesus.
have you noticed this?
They should rename themselves 'jehovahs davidians'.
the only thing in this world we have complete unquestionable control over is our own mind, and our own thoughts, and how we choose to frame (or think about) things.. and when you throw away all of the layers of constructs.
religious mores,.
If you can stop your mind from thinking thoughts, that proves that you congtrol it.
okay, that's the james webb space telescope - sorry, couldn't help myself .
as the late, great hitch' would say; "far more inspiring than any burning fucking bush!".
the james webb telescope in pictures: building a machine to see the beginning of the universe.
The inquisitive nature is something we inherited from our 2 legged evolutionary ancestor. Monkeys also inherited this nature. JW telescope - simians, at their finest!!
an aversion to beards, no less!
didn't her grandfather, george v, have one?.
She is head of the hive, like the gb is. Queens are for bugs.