Sounds like you know about what you are talking.
have you noticed that elder's wives are so friendly that they get a lot of information from the other sisters and go right to their husband (congregation overseer) with the info?
it's no wonder the elders seen to know so much.
do you seem to have a simular situation in your congregation?
Sounds like you know about what you are talking.
as jws we learned a lot about persuasion and how to get people to accept our ideas.
we had role plays on over coming objections.
we were taught how to anticipate typical questions and respond to them.
You make a good point. On the other hand, we arn't jws anymore. Most here aren't christian . So, we don't need to speak like jws or christians. We aren't evangelists. We have no responsibilities to convert anyone. Each can have his/her own standards. Are you trying to keep us to jw standards, just under a new name or no name? Come on. Jws have an obligation to meet jw standards. Christians, christian standards. What standards are there for agnostics or aetheists? They choose their own. Their natures determine their standards.
On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with civility, or high quality writing, or logical coherent arguement;).
you decide:.
i have a moral question for you.
imaginary situation, but i think.
Ladin is one ugly dude. I probably wouldn't save him or take his picture. Maybe i would give him a boot to help him on his way to paradise.
hi, my name is erik.
this is my first posting.
i was a witness from the age of 2-18. i was baptized in 1990 as a jehovah's witness.
YouKnow is confused too. Jws have an ability known as mental acrobatics. This allows them to jump over problems in their belief system. YK is a champion at this. He is quite impressive. I'm serious about this, i used to do it myself. Take whatever he says with a grain of salt.
from most of the topics and replies i have come to believe that most everyone here still believes in god and jesus and the bible.
recently on a thread i've been on i've discovered many do not.
i want to know what mommie dark and others believe on the subject of creation and jesus.
My non acceptance of most of the bible is another topic.
The nero inscription is vague. Does it use jesus name? I don't know which the superstition was that he introduced. My point here was to illustrate how little secular contemporary mention there is of jesus, that is, writings about him outside the bible. There is only a page or two, in total, at most.
I didn't mean to discourage you. I looked at everything without fear or faith. It was tough. That's it for me for now. I need to sleep. Goodnight.
from most of the topics and replies i have come to believe that most everyone here still believes in god and jesus and the bible.
recently on a thread i've been on i've discovered many do not.
i want to know what mommie dark and others believe on the subject of creation and jesus.
Does Mara Bar-Serapion in his letter use either jesus or christ?
Remember too, that jesus died in about the year 30, so even tacitus and justin martyr are writing over a hundred years after the fact. As you mentioned, writings weren't as abundant back then. Were they writing from hearsay?
By the way, in a court of law, if there was a case about jesus, none of the bible would be admissable as evidence, because it is all hearsay, that is second person. Jesus never wrote anything himself. Niether did god, for that matter (tablets? they don't exist anymore).
from most of the topics and replies i have come to believe that most everyone here still believes in god and jesus and the bible.
recently on a thread i've been on i've discovered many do not.
i want to know what mommie dark and others believe on the subject of creation and jesus.
Tacitus wrote about 115-117 ad
Phlogen about 80 quoted by origin about maybe 200
Josephus after 70
Justin Martyr 150-ad
I put all the quotes by the above together, and it came to less than a page. You have a couple more. Maybe it would fill one page and go on to a second page. Considering that he was supposed to be the greatest man who ever lived, it seems odd that that is all there is, at least to me.
When was lucien? Thallus, if he only mentions the darkness and not jesus, i would exclude.
servants of yahweh:.
house of yahweh:.
The wt isn't unique anymore. They still have it mispronounced. Imagine if all chriistians started using the jehovah or yahweh names.
while surfing the net, i came upon this annoucement.. a seminar on biblical greek to be taught by dr. firpo carr!!!.
who wants to sign up?.
He mispronounces the jewish gods name. He thinks the wt twisted scriptures are hot. Something sounds fishy.
from most of the topics and replies i have come to believe that most everyone here still believes in god and jesus and the bible.
recently on a thread i've been on i've discovered many do not.
i want to know what mommie dark and others believe on the subject of creation and jesus.
Well, you see, jesus only appeared to me one time. I would expect 2 more appearances to be sure. The bible says it takes 2 or 3 witnesses. How many times have you seen jesus? God?