Sorry to hear of your loss. I know how close a person can get to a cat. I feel like i love my cat.
I like to think that their spirits go to a cat goddess or an a cat oversoul, then reincarnate again if they want.
there is this great big hole in my heart.
he started acting poorly last wed. he stopped eating friday and went downhill steadily.
i raced him to the vets.
Sorry to hear of your loss. I know how close a person can get to a cat. I feel like i love my cat.
I like to think that their spirits go to a cat goddess or an a cat oversoul, then reincarnate again if they want. an incredible thing to see.
my old work pal leo would do it every works christmas party.
this incredibly smart and dignified gentlemen would raise money for charity by taking bets as to how long he could clench a lighted newspaper between the cheeks of his buttocks.
Satan doesn't believe in the existence of sin, therefor satan never sins. Satan doesn't believe in himself. Forgiveness is for the one doing it more than the one receiving. Blessings are always accepted, so are cheques, especially large ones if they are good. Satan has spoken.
shelby: this is in response you your post on my thread about god's logic escaping me.
i will not quote your post, but here is the link [ ] in case anyone wants to read it.
i will provide some short notes to you:.
If you ever enlarge your area of scrutiny, you could check out nde's (near death experiences). Danion brinkley was hit by lightening, dead for something like one half hour. So much burning and nerve damage, doctors thought he wouldn't live. Then they thought he would never walk. He always was crippled somewhat after that, but the things he experienced in his body death time changed him completely. I don't remember if he saw god or not, i don't think so. Just a thought.
Satan an incredible thing to see.
my old work pal leo would do it every works christmas party.
this incredibly smart and dignified gentlemen would raise money for charity by taking bets as to how long he could clench a lighted newspaper between the cheeks of his buttocks.
You guys aren't jehovahs witnesses are you? No? Niether am i.
having a chinese background, it has been incorporated in our culture to believe in wicked spirits and that sort of stuff..i was wondering if any here could enlighten me with some of their knowledge with regard this mom's core reason of believing that the jws are the true religion is because of the fact that she found peace and she said that 'wicked spirits' stopped attacking her when she became a jw..(she said that sometimes she felt that wicked spirits want to rape her or something while she was sleeping/dreaming?
)i sometimes think that this is pure imagination but who am i to judge it is her experience anyways..some say that this may be a medical problem but do any of you believe that this might be true?
do wicked spirits/demons really want to 'disturb' us humans?
Good points about the cargo cultitsts. That cocacola and chewing gum no longer appear after the military is gone doesn't mean that they don't exist anymore. And so, at times instant or sudden cures have happened. Other times the same methods are attempted and nothing happens. When i first started lurking on this board, there was a post by a lady who said her broken foot was instantly healed. I don't remember the details or her name. Some people would see this as forces from another dimension acting on this one. But just because we don't see this type of thing happening all the time, isn't proof that there aren't other dimensions that at times influence this one. At least not in my opinion.
yesterday, at a construction site where a new kh is to be built,a crane fell down, killed a sister and injured some others severly.
local tv reported that now police has started investigations against the crane operator.
building a kh in germany is done by voluntary workers that are not properly insured by the wts but are dependant on their own insurances.
I was referring to the psychological help that the press mentioned, not the crane operator.
You don't like my pseudo name saintsatan? If you are a jw, i understand why.
yesterday, at a construction site where a new kh is to be built,a crane fell down, killed a sister and injured some others severly.
local tv reported that now police has started investigations against the crane operator.
building a kh in germany is done by voluntary workers that are not properly insured by the wts but are dependant on their own insurances.
I'm not making fun of those jws who got psych help, but the fact that they went to 'worldly' sources, who are controlled by satan, his demons and agents, instead of exclusively their elders, cos, dos, or special reps sent out from their german branch, shows that the wt is full of shit. If jehovah was what they claim, if he was leading, guiding, directing and empowering them the way they have claimed, then they really wouldn't need outside help. 'Spirtually older men' whos prayers 'having much power' 'greasing them with oil' would 'make the indisposed one well'. And so, all these scriptues do not apply to the wt. Its leaders are a bunch of spiritually bankrupt old f*****g hypocrites, to use jesus' words (what he might have used instead of 'offspring of vipers' and 'whitewashed graves'). IMO
having a chinese background, it has been incorporated in our culture to believe in wicked spirits and that sort of stuff..i was wondering if any here could enlighten me with some of their knowledge with regard this mom's core reason of believing that the jws are the true religion is because of the fact that she found peace and she said that 'wicked spirits' stopped attacking her when she became a jw..(she said that sometimes she felt that wicked spirits want to rape her or something while she was sleeping/dreaming?
)i sometimes think that this is pure imagination but who am i to judge it is her experience anyways..some say that this may be a medical problem but do any of you believe that this might be true?
do wicked spirits/demons really want to 'disturb' us humans?
In connection with electrical stimulation of the brain producng 'psychic' results and bringing back memories, i have a theory that the brain acts as a filter/valve for reality. (Of course, it can fool a person into accepting unreality as well.) Everyday, people's brains automatically filter and sensor everything. Most of what goes on around us is rejected from the conscious mind.
My theory is that as the brain regulates incoming information from the 5 senses, it also is involved in controling input from other senses. So artificial brain stimulation with electricity or drugs can open this 'valve' to stuff that might be considered spiritual. People always try to fit spiritual experiences into their own paricular theology. If it doesn't fit, their brains may refashion the perception so it does, or reject it from consciuos memory. The person could go nuts too. IMO
having a chinese background, it has been incorporated in our culture to believe in wicked spirits and that sort of stuff..i was wondering if any here could enlighten me with some of their knowledge with regard this mom's core reason of believing that the jws are the true religion is because of the fact that she found peace and she said that 'wicked spirits' stopped attacking her when she became a jw..(she said that sometimes she felt that wicked spirits want to rape her or something while she was sleeping/dreaming?
)i sometimes think that this is pure imagination but who am i to judge it is her experience anyways..some say that this may be a medical problem but do any of you believe that this might be true?
do wicked spirits/demons really want to 'disturb' us humans?
Sleep paralysis, from what i have read about it, and the shaking that you described are preliminary stages toward an out of body experience (obe). Some also feel a vibrating or a loud rushing noise. There is a lot about this on the net, if you care to search. Naturally, most experiencers are afraid and wonder what the heck is going on. After exiting, many kinds of unusual experiences can come, some wierd, some bad, some good, some neutral. Robert munroe wrote a book about his. He did all kinds of experiments in this area. Later on he established a centre, where people actually go and pay to learn how to do this type of thing without the bugs and haphazardness. He uses sound to induce a type of obe. The sound technology is called hemisync. Many of these sound tapes are available through mp3 sharings like audiogalaxy or morpheous. He has a lot of info on his site. Bruce moen has written three books about his own explorations with hemisync. A guy not connected with munroe, who has explored related areas on his own, is an australian called robert bruce. A hindu writing called yoga sutras of patanjali goes into this a bit.
While i recognize there are many on this board that don't believe in the existence of a substance such as spirit, my readings and experiences up to this point anyway, leads me to believe there is. This is hard to prove scientifically, since scientists don't deal in the spiritual. Some experiments have been done though. The ones ingo swann was in were interesting, but most scientists don't take the field seriously anyway. Also, experiments that have been done havn't been consistent. While spiritual exploration is as old as the hills, in the west it is still in its infancy.
Sorry i'm blabbering.
in past posts i have placed god on trial by questioning two issues: 1) the issues in the graden of eden, and the severe punishment of the entire human race for a very minor act of eating fruit.
2) god ordering the extermination of entire cities, including every last man, woman, child, baby, and even livestock.. results: the result on this forum have be mixed as expected, but showed a range from suport to tryuionmg top explain these events with reasoning, logic, or plausibilities.
some felt that i might be losing my faith.
How about looking at how our reality might hinge on reincarnation and developmental evolution. First, i will say that i'm not that knowledgeable on the topic, and secondly, i'm not 100% sure of it. But, it does have some attractive aspects. Basically, i'm putting this here to help me develop it or correct it, as the case may be.
May i suggest that we were all preexisting spirits. Every one of us who are on this dirt ball came here for a reason, not all for one reason, each for our own reasons and purposes. If we miss it in a lifetime we try again until we acheive it. Then, after that we may choose to explore further avenues of phusical existence.
May i suggest further that the body aging and dying is a process that was chosen by the spirits that arranged this sojourning program. May i suggest that the reason we chose these bodies to only last as long as they do may be because their controling mechanisms: the mind, nerves, dna become progressively hardwired some time after maturity is reached. This renders progress; the unlearning of old habits and the learning of new progressively harder as time goes on. Also, many people make so many bad decisions and misjudgements, that they become hopelessly screwed up in self distructive dead end lives. For them, an end is a blessing. After their spiirits pass on, they are able to review their lives, with the aid of advisers, then after an appropriate time, if time exists on that plane, they select a new life with the genetic conditions, economic conditions etc that would be of sufficient challenge for them in another lifetime. Generally, progress is made in each lifetime, but if not, it's ok, because there is infinite time in which to fulfill all possibilities.
Some people think that we incarnate in groups, perhaps family groupings. Also, groups to accompliish certain purposes or goals. Perhaps political, scientific, or archealogical projects or experimments. They think that many of the events in our lives have been prearranged or agreed upon with others who also come here. Sometimes things work out as planned, sometimes plans are derailed, and a new round is tried later.
Perhaps, after a sufficient amount of experience is gained, enough challengs met, enough spiritual developement taken place, the individual spirit no longer feels the need to come back here. It can then choose to stay in the earth vicinity as a higher helper being, or move on to higher spiritual levels for new types of experinces or existences.
Just my thoughts.