Thanks. I will consider it.
what things do you guys hate, why, and what do you do about it?.
"you ever get lonely?.".
Thanks. I will consider it.
i'm in a quandry.. came out of the organisation a few years ago, have spend a couple of chilled out christmasses in front of the fire.
no presents, decorations etc, no problem!
but... my little boy is getting older and my ex-husband (my son's father and also an ex-jw) is concerned that he will miss out, just like we did as kids.. but, i am reluctant to do the whole christmas thing.
Glad to see you around.
The wt mixes its own product in w 'gods word'. What is wrong is that after a person buys the wt product, he becomes their robot. Did you get your batteries charged this week?
what things do you guys hate, why, and what do you do about it?.
"you ever get lonely?.".
I still have anger about my fathers abuse and the dumb wt life i was sucked into. I'm reducing the wt anger by venting and reading stuff here. I confronted my father w some of his shortcomings and abuses. He didn't like my attitude and we aren't talking. If i had the dow($), i would employ a good hypnotherapist.
i'm in a quandry.. came out of the organisation a few years ago, have spend a couple of chilled out christmasses in front of the fire.
no presents, decorations etc, no problem!
but... my little boy is getting older and my ex-husband (my son's father and also an ex-jw) is concerned that he will miss out, just like we did as kids.. but, i am reluctant to do the whole christmas thing.
Circuit, district, and international assemblies are commercialization. Commercialization is circuit, district, and international assemblies.
Sell, sell, sell!!
i'm in a quandry.. came out of the organisation a few years ago, have spend a couple of chilled out christmasses in front of the fire.
no presents, decorations etc, no problem!
but... my little boy is getting older and my ex-husband (my son's father and also an ex-jw) is concerned that he will miss out, just like we did as kids.. but, i am reluctant to do the whole christmas thing.
The Divine Miss Eff
Love your name.
One thing i enjoy at christmas time is listening to chritmas carols at the biggest catholic church i can find. It's uplifting and very, very spiritual.
transgressions, metaphysics and politics.
chair: lenn goodman, vanderbilt university.
criminology and the holocaust: xenophobia, evolution and genocide.
Andre carbonneau is a jw too. I think the society financed his law schooling.
this was written by izzat majeed, a pakistani writer, with slight changes made by yours truly.
the words ring so true with those changes in defining the intransigence of the wts, though:.
"we muslimsjehovah's witnesses cannot keep blaming the west satan the devil for all our ills...the embarrassment of wretchedness among us is beyond repair.
Isp, only small changes, mainly organisational ones, and flipflops. Fark is basically right.
i had the weirdest dream last night.... it started with me taking a taxi ride in some city i had never been in before and i kept seeing these billboards which were all black and white and saying: dont go there!
i asked the taxi driver what that was all about and he told me that this was the watchtower society telling everyone not to go to the apostate rocks cafe.. anyway, i told him to immediately take me there and i just cant believe all the people surrounding this place.
there are like thousands and thousands of people wanting to get inside.
the prep and publishing of the dead sea scrolls is finally finishing.
they date from 250 bc to 70 ce.
out of a total of 52 volumes, jesus christ is not mentioned even once.. _________.
You said, '"The Poor" was an early Christian title -- and the outcast'
Fundamentalism/revolution generally starts among the poor and oppressed. Muslim shiitism fundamentalism is a good example.
Talibans are happy to give their lives for their cause. It does nothing to legitimize islam. Afghanistan is one of the poorest asian countries. So all the sacrifices of early fundamentalist christians really proves nothing.
the prep and publishing of the dead sea scrolls is finally finishing.
they date from 250 bc to 70 ce.
out of a total of 52 volumes, jesus christ is not mentioned even once.. _________.
It depends how you look at it. True, it had humblle beginnings, although the scale of their persecution may be exaggerated.
From the roman point of view, jesus' followers weakened tremendously the jews as a nation. Some people could take the view that christianity was the propaganda attack that softened up the jews in preparation for the finishing stroke in 70.
After having matured, christianity was adopted as the official state religion. As such it served very well to perpetuate a fallen empire for at least another 1000 yrs. It crushed the variuos other religions and philosophues of the time. (ebionites, mithraism, asatra, manicheism, gnosticism, platonism, zerostrianism to name a few) Whole libraries of pagan philosophy were destryed or allowed to rot. What we know as the greek classics are lucky to have survived. Much of it only survived because it happened to be outside the christian realm, in arabia and persia. And so, some have concluded that jesus was an invention of a roman agent named paul.
'real Jesus makes folk uncomfortable' He was portrayed as a revolutionary. Revolution always makes those in power uncomfortable. Yet, i think you are wrong in saying this, because a lot of people, while rejecting the bible and those who push it, still look up to the image of jesus. He taught some perrennial truths. These are also taught in the other main religions.