You seem like an honest, sincere guy. I don't take exception to where you are, i was once there.
You said: 'Love is being upset when injustices are made. When Hitler killed 10 million people (6 mil being Jews) you hear that and get upset, because in your heart you have a sense of justice.' This is not really a fair illustration, if you break it down and examine it. First of all, the general public that got upset w this didn't have unconditional love, not to mention ordinary love for either hitler or his victims before or during the events. As you say at the end of the sentence, it was about percieved justice, not love.
But, let's take hitler as an example. Suppose god loved him unconditionally. If his love stopped because of his atrocities, then it wasn't unconditional. Let's suppose for the sake of this discussion that god did love hitler unconditionally. Would endless torture show unconditional love for hitler. I don't think so. Would unconditional godly love have alternatives? All things are possible w god. While i haven't gotten into hitlers head too much, i do know that most times power hunger, materialism and attention grabbing are caused by insecurity and fear. He also valued high culture and the german race.
After his death, god could help his spirit to overcome his fear and insecurities by replaying the causal events. God could allow him to experience these events, not just through his own little boy eyes, but through the feelings of the various other persons involved, be it one person or 1000. So hitlers spirit would get the big picture, and would see the error of his attempts at overcompensating, thus being won over/saved. Remember that all sins were paid for by jesus death. Whether someone kills one person, a thousand or merely contemplates it, it's all the same in gods eyes.
'The spirits of those types that all want to blow up the World Trade Center can all go and hang with each other and talk about how they wish they could do it again.' While some may get their biggest kicks from blowing up buildings, often there are core beliefs behind war like actions. They could have felt a righteous anger at percieved injustices to others w whom they identified. If that was true, then a righteous anger or something similar could have been their main motivation. Are not u.s. forces motivated by similar feelings? If these suggestions are close to the facts for most of them then, in my hypothesis, fighters from both sides could be drawn to the same place in the afterlife, to continue their conflicts.
'You attach yourself to a belief system that lets you freely be devious and not have to sweat the guilt. I was there man.' I always read a lot and tried to figure things out logically. I tried my best to live what i was believing. I still do. I never chose my way because it was easy. You say that in the past, chose a belief system that would allow you the freedom to do as you pleased. Since that was you guide for choosing a belief systen in the past, then maybe, one day, you will need to examine why you chose you present one.
I will probably respond to you reincarnation responses later.
'Not religion, not church, but Jesus.' Go a step further and say, 'not bible', because if you run into jesus then, don't you have everything you need? Won't he teach you all things? If not, why not? Unless he isn't there, or isn't what they say he is.
All the best