No. Another parasite on british society. And, one who will likely presume on commonwealth countries for adulation and recognition.
i don't get it.
(and i don't care about america's "royalty" either)..
No. Another parasite on british society. And, one who will likely presume on commonwealth countries for adulation and recognition.
at the thread about jaracz steve2 made the following interesting comment.
by now, ted should be finding his heavenly posting a routinized bore: 4 years and still counting.
he will have chaffed at the notion that all decisions are made by jehovah god who consults no one and who brooks no questioning or independent thinking.
Hes omniscient, but he doesn't know everything. Hes omnipotent, but there are things that he isn't strong enough to do.
in a speech that is considered one of the most personal given by the president, or any past president, president obama speaks about treyvon martin being him 35 years agoand- violence, prejudice, the reach and limits of the states and the federal government, and the soul searching to follow.
he, the president, invokes martin luther king's- 'the content of character' quote to spark a healthy debate in this country..
'George Zimmerman helps family from burning car after accident'
Zimmerman is a flippin batman. They should call him zimmer man, and give him a zimmer cape.
Ps, sorry, couldn't help being flippant.
have anyone read this report published by jonathan.
turley in oct. 10, 2012 ?
don't know his credentials or.
Terrorists and atheists are the big threats to britain. Haha. Someone is lacking intelligence.
at the thread about jaracz steve2 made the following interesting comment.
by now, ted should be finding his heavenly posting a routinized bore: 4 years and still counting.
he will have chaffed at the notion that all decisions are made by jehovah god who consults no one and who brooks no questioning or independent thinking.
God finally admits he needs help in dealing w humans.
i like learning about whats going on in the world.
but i tire of having to scan news outlets like npr, cnn and fox in order to figure out reality.
what news organization(s) do you use to learn about whats going on in the world?
' Is there even one that’s not corrupted by right or left wing spinners?'
Since i believe i already have a reasonable pic of reality, i don't need to update it very often. If something major happens, i'll be able to tell by the change in the price of gas, or someone will tell me. If its the end of the world, well then, i'll find out soon enough.
Thanks for comparing buddha and jung.
Often, its not the perfection of the idea that helps a person. Often, its the way the idea is presented. Buddha and jung probably had the same idea at the core. Jungs approach likely works better for a westerner. My view, i don't believe that they have totally destroyed their egos, without them ever coming back to life. There is a test for that. Try to make them angry. If it cannot be done, then maybe, their ego is gone.
in a speech that is considered one of the most personal given by the president, or any past president, president obama speaks about treyvon martin being him 35 years agoand- violence, prejudice, the reach and limits of the states and the federal government, and the soul searching to follow.
he, the president, invokes martin luther king's- 'the content of character' quote to spark a healthy debate in this country..
Right, working w eachother, instead of preying on eachother.
in a speech that is considered one of the most personal given by the president, or any past president, president obama speaks about treyvon martin being him 35 years agoand- violence, prejudice, the reach and limits of the states and the federal government, and the soul searching to follow.
he, the president, invokes martin luther king's- 'the content of character' quote to spark a healthy debate in this country..
April 16, 2013
Asian-Americans exceed all U.S. adults when it comes to median household income, $66,000 vs. $49,800.
A century ago, most Asian Americans were low-skilled, low-wage laborers crowded into ethnic enclaves and targets of official discrimination. Today, they are the highest-income, best-educated and fastest-growing racial group in the United States. And they are the most likely of any major racial or ethnic group in America to live in mixed neighborhoods and to marry across racial lines.
Why is that? They were discriminated against. They are easy to identify, like black people are. Yet, they have risen to the top of the heap, so to speak.
in a conversation with my mum she said, "son the friends love you and care about you so much.
they would die for you.
that's something you don't find in the world.
Well, its a good thing that the average person isn't as tribalistic and hard hearted as jws are, when they are told to be. I gather that afghanistan is like that, somewhat, among the tribes. If everyone was like that, the world would be a tougher place to live, work and travel in.