When i was a kid, under 10 yrs, cracks in the dirt would make me think the big armageddon quake might be arriving.
were there ever specific occurrences which you or those around you thought might be the start of "armageddon"?.
i remember 9/11 being such a day as it happened right as the meeting for field service ended.
it was the week of the c.o.
When i was a kid, under 10 yrs, cracks in the dirt would make me think the big armageddon quake might be arriving.
your comments will be appreciated..
Noone noticed. The wt's king jesus has a really light touch, lighter than a feather.
an editorial in the global times (english, web edition).
dont read too much into ppp ranking.
source:global times published: 2014-5-5 0:53:01 .
Pollution, yes:
'A huge area of China's soil covering more than twice the size of Spain is estimated to be polluted, the government said Thursday, announcing findings of a survey previously kept secret.
Of about 6.3 million square kilometres (2.4 million square miles) of soil surveyed—roughly two thirds of China's total area—16.1 percent is thought to be polluted, the environmental protection ministry said in a report.
The study, which appeared on its website, blamed mining and farming practices among other causes.
"The national soil pollution situation is not positive," the ministry said, adding that more than 19 percent of the farmland which was surveyed is polluted.
The ministry last year described the results of its soil pollution survey as a state secret and refused to release the results, a move which incensed environmental campaigners.
The government has come under increasing pressure in recent years to take action to improve the environment, with large parts of the country repeatedly blanketed in thick smog and waterways and land polluted.
In response to public pressure, China has released more accurate data about air pollution.
More than 80 percent of the soil pollution was caused by "non-organic contaminants", the ministry said in its report. The survey was carried out over an eight-year period from 2005 to 2013.
The ministry last year acknowledged the existence of "cancer villages", years after Chinese media first reported on more than 100 polluted rural areas with a higher incidence of the disease.'
the younger generation is hopefully learning more about the way life works and how it evolved here on earth.
encouraging to see these results.. .
http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22229670.600-losing-our-religion-your-guide-to-a-godless-future.html#.u2yx5a1dwkm .
so many at my wife's hall have rushed to buy i-pads,androids etc for use in servicetm and at the hall.. most know little or nothing about how to use them but have joined the stampede to jw.org tm and the reinvention of the wtbts.. it prompted one elder at my wife's hall to have a seminar at his house to explain how to use them in service and at the hall.. how exciting.... one 80 year old pioneer woman will be there with her new toy.. as a distraction it seems to be working quite well.
no need to worry about 1914 or other issues.. they are all nuts and getting nuttier....
How can ya argue w an ipad?
shower room.
games room.
I would think that the welsh have already been given their witness, ie all the sheep have been pulled out. The 'work' has been accomplished for them. If that was so, the wt wouldn't need this kind of 'project' over there.
two key scriptures in revelation give a description of btg, and by doing so, identify to whom the name "babylon the great" applies.
revelation 17:5,6 says, "babylon the great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.
" and i saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of jesus".
Vive, le babylone libre!
two key scriptures in revelation give a description of btg, and by doing so, identify to whom the name "babylon the great" applies.
revelation 17:5,6 says, "babylon the great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.
" and i saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of jesus".
Long live babylon!!
are there any type of threads that you especially enjoy?
are there any specific threads or posters that you look out for?.
The minimouse threads, of course.
check out this video if you have 20 minutes to spare - it really is awesome.
anyone want to add their thoughts on how to change societys throwaway mentality?.
the story of stuff.
Resist the corps and their adds to buy the latest and greatest crap. Mute the commercials, or stop watching tv.