That was very funny. Saturday nite live had some classics...
That was very funny. Saturday nite live had some classics...
now that you're out of the borg and don't have to get up saturdays to peddle magazines, try to fit in the family watchtower study, get up sunday mornings to rush off to the kingdom hall, do you feel like week-ends are great?
it feels great just to sleep late on one or two of those days if i want to.
i can spend hours on the internet or read a whole newspaper.
My job entails that I work weekends, so for me it was always a struggle juggling meetings, public talks at other KH's, and work. I was always was trading with others so I could make all the meetings, what a pain!! I have to say that it is such a great relief of not having to think about the following Sunday and trying to adjust my skd. When my weekends come around they are all mine, NO FIELD SERVICE!!
would god understand?
in nazi germany, a german woman hides 3 little jewish children in her basement.
a gestapo lieutenant comes to the door and asks if she knows where the same three children are?
Good points. JW's will lie in order to promote their agenda. The sad thing is that they truly believe in what they 'preach' hence if it means lying well that is OK. I agree sometimes lying is neccessary esp. if it means protecting the lives and welfare of others.
Also the lying is sometimes accomplished by not revealing the truth about something, for eg. when someone is a convicted pedophile and is allowed to be viewed as a 'fine, outstanding' member unbeknownst to the congregation.
As a related side point I remember one elders meeting with the CO that certain elders botched up a matter with a 'sister' in the cong. Instead of apologizing to the sister they were instructed not to apologize and let the matter just pass. In fact his words were that we never apologize esp. to a sister, for fear of her losing the respect for the elders. Hence they allowed this sister to continue to think that what they did was actually OK and that she was in error. This also I classify as lying unjustifiably.
even though i'm not an active jw, my mom is and they handed out an outline at the service meeting last thursday about the dateline program.
even though i didn't go, i did get a copy of the outline and have posted it below.
the only info.
Excellent points dungbeetle. They are doing the CYA bid.
were you ashamed of being a witness?.
how did you feel about identifing yourself as a jehovahs witness to others?.
i often used to hide it because of the stigma attacthed to it.. was anyone actually proud to be one?
No I was not ashamed. I was one of the top elders in the circuit. Had many priviledges that others only dreamed of... I guess you can say I was going places with the organization. I used to look down on those who were ashamed. I really believed in the organization. I feel now more of a let down and saddened by all this, esp. loosing some family members whom I was very close too. I am glad to be out but my life has been completely altered, to the point where it was better for us to move away. Today I am ashamed of ever being a witness, and I don't tell people that I was. But I really believed at one time with all my heart...
Edited by - salud on 17 June 2002 11:31:19
dinosaurs have always fasinated me.when i was a member of jw's they could never explain anything about there existence to me.i have never seen mention of them in the bible.history and fossil remains prove that they did exist.what destroyed them really?was it the flood?
?a meteor??
?how long ago?how old are they?.
JW's don't teach earth is 40-50K years old. They claim that creation within earth is that old (statements that have not been revisited in any recent publications). When I was a JW I always taught that the earth could be billions of years old.
As for the earth being only 6 - 7K yrs. old that is a creationist point of view. Perhaps the earth may not be as old as one thought but certainly not that young either.
i want carrot cake for my bd (its my favorite)...ok i'll wait til november.. sorry...not to take away from a serious subject.
i often ask my can you believe everything you read.
not to mention take the childs game of telephone.
Did they really ask you that? I was conductor for many years and even if I did not agree with the comment or it was the 'wrong' answer I never asked anyone for the right answer. Good conductors knew ways around that. I always encouraged publishers to answer in their own words, never liked the word for word answers myself.
bishops approve new policy on abusive priests
below are some excerpts from the new catholic policy.
even though the catholic people are not happy with the entire policy, i was just thinking how much better it is than what jehovahs witnesses received.
What the Catholic Bishops fail to realize that these men who are guilty are not Sex offenders but CHILD molestors. It is not like they were robbing a convenience store to support thier families, that maybe by the stretch of the imagination you can justify. Their sin is unjustifiable. They cannot be cured. They need treatement and therapy for the rest of their lives. Part of the treatment is not allowing to associate in an environment where they can fall back. They all need to do their time in Prison as well. They are guilty of rape. Like the show 60 Minutes brought out they are organzied crime. Employers allowing their employees to committ rape of children and somehow hiding it.
I find this difficult to grasp how the church has known this esp. since 1985 and they only gave in to pressure from the media and lawsuits affecting their wallets. Thank the media for exposing this through the vicitims. Their conferance was a JOKE. Of course they have to say something to the affect that they will take action. But it is left up to each dioces to decide. The problem is that most of these men drafting the new policy, 2/3 in fact, are guilty of either commiting the sin or hiding it in the past and so they were out there trying to save their own skins.
If anyone else was guilty of this sin they would not be asking us about our jobs or how it will affect our families financially if we go to prison. Why give them any special consideration? Off to prison just like any other criminal/rapist!!
There is no room in ANY organization for this type of behavior by its men most trusted by its followers.
last saturday, a former ministerial servant and pioneer committed suicide in the woodinville washington kingdom hall parking lot.
he was disfellowshipped several years ago, and according to the old sister that related the story to me today, he was depressed because no one would talk to him.
i don't know how i kept calm when she explained to me that "we couldn't talk to him...he was disfellowshipped.".
So sorry to hear about the young man in Woodinville KH. Also sorry to learn about your daughter.
It seems for whatever reason this young man still felt a part or a connection to the congregation. How sad there was no one there to turn too. I feel there needs to be more done about this. I am hearing too many stories about suicide among JW's and how directly or indirectly many of them are related to disfellowhipping. Also interesting to note how many of the suicides I have heard or known about many were in full-time service or had just left.
I blame the WT leadership for many of these and they are to be held blood guilty for it.
well, we just got back from spending yesterday evening and most of today with isp, mrs. isp, and the two little isps.
the number of folks from this board that i've met is steadily growing, and i've yet to suffer many disappointments.
isp and family were very kind and generous people, with absolutely adorable children!
Hi Floridians, and Europeans too!!
(it's the wife, as I'm still incognito!!)
Salud is sick in bed for 4 days now, high fever, aches, pains, not even able to go to work...But I am reading him all the fun you guys had..and he is sorry we weren't there....maybe next time. Glad you had a wonderful time, as we did when we got to meet you all.
Ven, glad you didn't get sick....whatever it's no fun!!!
Hello to Think4oneself and FreePeace too!!!
ISP and family, hope to meet you next time!!!