I'm with dubstepped and Sail Away on this. My parents were fanatical JWs, too.
I wasn't allowed any contact with the outside world whatsoever. I was not allowed to use the phone.
I went to regular school but straight home after, absolutely no talking to school mates after school. Any contact with anyone or anything outside JW world was totally forbidden and punishable.
If I didn't answer in the meetings I was severely berated afterwards. And one answer wan't good enough, it had to be several answers. I wasn't allowed to go to the toilet during the meeting, even if I was desperate. On one occasion this resulted in me wetting myself (I was about 8) and oh my god, I was dragged from the hall and flung into the car - sobbing. My father was livid with rage. I thought he was going to kill me.
Assemblies/conventions - they had to know where I was every single second.
No watching television at night.
Weekends - ministry on both Saturday and Sunday. No choice. You had to go.
My speech was also restricted. I had to use the right words or my father would go ballistic. I once made the fatal mistake of saying someone was 'pregnant' I was sent to my room in disgrace for using a 'filthy' word. Apparently, I should have said 'with child'
The control didn't even end when I was older. I pioneered and worked in an office full of smokers (they did in those days) when I came home from work my father insisted on smelling my breath to make sure I hadn't smoked. My bag was checked for cigarettes.
When I rebelled at 19 and left home, my parents used people to spy on my apartment and when I went in and out was logged and reported to the elders.
I was told repeatedly if I didn't tow the line they would 'publicly disown me'
That coupled with sexual abuse....and I wonder why I ended up being treated by a psychologist!
So, yes. I totally believe the story on reddit.