Send the video to Hollywood, they might offer her some roles.
I imagine "Elaine Does FedUp" might be okay. Okay, I'm sorry to anyone I might have offended
does anyone know anything about the luscious elaine?
is she a professional actress or just a member of the r&f recruited to be a member of the cast of this video?
the pout,olive skin stunning looks make my heart miss a beat every time i see this beauty.
Send the video to Hollywood, they might offer her some roles.
I imagine "Elaine Does FedUp" might be okay. Okay, I'm sorry to anyone I might have offended
bit of a long winding topic title but the thread on the dub in the bunker video made me think of what thing the wts does that are seen as basically impossible for anyone else to do and therefore evidence of holy spirit and god's blessing, yet those same things are done by the rest of the world day in, day out.. i have a few examples:.
- ability to buy a feck off big printing press and print thousand of magazines an hour.
only that every other big publishing organisation uses the same presses to do the same thing.. - ability to get inexperienced people to act using an acting coach as well as produce feature length films with reasonably high production value levels and special effects.
There was alot of wasted manhours and time with an unorganized work force.
A bit off topic, but I remember years ago when I still was not fed up going to a quick build and being handed an aluminum grain scoop and told to shovel a large pile of brick stubs from behind a pallet of mortar sacks so a Bobcat loader could haul them away.
I got promptly "fired" from that chore when I declined to shovel and instead said, "Let's wait until the Bobcat gets here and can move the pallet. Then we can shovel the brick stubs ONCE instead of twice."
Sorry a55hole went and found some dimwit that agreed to shovel them from behind the pallet, and when the Bobcat operator got there he just laughed and asked why they didn't wait for him to move the pallet and only shovel once.
i have been a jw all my life, while i also have a "spiritual divorce", which means i can remarry a jw again.
i am not sure if i want to go that route again and dating in the jw world feels like a struggle sometimes.
with all the rules.
So I will likely get down votes as my opinion is not really PC(apologies to you single women who do not fit what I see as the majority of JW woman), however as a self supporting, financially secure man who has been single for a number of years I have noticed that JW females of a reasonable marrying age fall into two main categories. Those who are married and out of the dating "pool", and those who are single for very good reasons. They are more so than any other group of people either mentally unstable and heavily medicated, have ill behaved children, the woman is just looking for a meal ticket, or they are physically unhealthy (obese, chronically ill etc.)
As a man who is very active, enjoys the outdoors, has a tidy nest egg built up and am self employed I am not interested in the JW pity marriages that are seemingly required by most members. I enjoy the recreational and intimate company of healthy, active, fit women who are not JW drones, and are also financially secure. So as far as "dating" sites I would stay clear of them too.
Get out and about, go where the type of woman you wish to spend time with is, and to hell with the JW busy bodies who will always find an excuse to gossip about you and try to guilt you into acting like they demand. And any elders who try to rule you with FOG, tell them to FO.
i would appreciate knowing from someone in the know if the goofy carts and rain covers are given to the congregation by the org.
or if the congregation has to pay the org for them.
i am sure i read that somewhere here in my lurking days, but am not finding it at present.. if the congregation is billed for it i intend to use that as a reason for my continued refusal to donate anything from now on.. thanks in advance..
Interesting view - most here, and I stand to be corrected, do not believe the trolley work counts as 'real ministry' - just standing their, 10 feet away, not approaching people - but you obviously disagree with that.
The only "ministry" the elders, ms do here is ride around in the vehicle. First stop is home(they forgot something). then through the bank drive-through, then the post office, then ten miles out of town to a home where no vehicles are present so turn around and go back to town for coffee and doughnuts, then ten miles the other direction out of town for the same old drive by.
Nothing that submits them to the public eye. Nothing that involves cracking open a Bible, nothing that involves any effort.
Of course they will local needs the R&F about gotta do more, your hours are down!
Nucking Futs!
it was a mild surprise, learning that a brother and sister-in-law had began re-associating with jehovah's witnesses after at least 25 years of being away.
the couple, of hispanic ethnicity, are in their early 60's, with their five children all grown and independent.
the family had been considered nominal jws, infrequently attending meetings, rarely in field service, but using the annual convention as their family vacation.
Working is a privilege at the Kingdom Hall just like it was at Alcatraz.
Every good JW should relish the thought of performing slave labor for the org.
Work makes free, doesn't it?
i would appreciate knowing from someone in the know if the goofy carts and rain covers are given to the congregation by the org.
or if the congregation has to pay the org for them.
i am sure i read that somewhere here in my lurking days, but am not finding it at present.. if the congregation is billed for it i intend to use that as a reason for my continued refusal to donate anything from now on.. thanks in advance..
Thanks everyone for the replies.
I wondered because the area I am currently in had a S.O. who pushed like a mad man to get a cart shipped out and for the next six months or so it sat, still boxed up unopened behind the counter. Then it was relegated to the janitorial room, now under a stack of paint cans, boxes, and garbage bags in the mechanical room. Still unopened and unused.
I heard about one local old die-hard fellow that is electric wheel chair bound that wanted to take it to the local fair because he cannot get door to door field serve-us, and was told he was not qualified and only elders could do cart work. Of course they will never budge a finger to actually do any real ministry.
Sorry illegitimate sons!
i would appreciate knowing from someone in the know if the goofy carts and rain covers are given to the congregation by the org.
or if the congregation has to pay the org for them.
i am sure i read that somewhere here in my lurking days, but am not finding it at present.. if the congregation is billed for it i intend to use that as a reason for my continued refusal to donate anything from now on.. thanks in advance..
I would appreciate knowing from someone in the know if the goofy carts and rain covers are given to the congregation by the org. or if the congregation has to pay the org for them. I am sure I read that somewhere here in my lurking days, but am not finding it at present.
If the congregation is billed for it I intend to use that as a reason for my continued refusal to donate anything from now on.
Thanks in advance.
it was a mild surprise, learning that a brother and sister-in-law had began re-associating with jehovah's witnesses after at least 25 years of being away.
the couple, of hispanic ethnicity, are in their early 60's, with their five children all grown and independent.
the family had been considered nominal jws, infrequently attending meetings, rarely in field service, but using the annual convention as their family vacation.
He showed up on Saturday ready for work, but was informed that those duties could only be performed by approved JWs "in good standing."
A very similar thing happened in the next congregation over from where I was some twenty years ago. A newly interested fellow showed up ready to work on their new KH. He was turned down because he wasn't approved for serve us yet. But the contractor who had heavy equipment to loan, and was DF'd, was welcomed to work; as long as only the elders talked to him. He quit his "bible study" and told the JW's to FO.
Hucking Fypocrites!
the so called bunker video isn't just getting attention here but among jws as well.
i've heard a fair share of cracks, some half joking half serious about the prospect of the video playing out in real life .
but something else i've heard is that the video was meant to be figurative, an illustration representing the 'interior rooms' prophecy..
All the ones around my area are pretty well shaking in their boots.
"Ooh. . .the "slave" is letting us know that the end is right here. We must be ready to get even closer to the org. and listen even more to anything the elders tell us to do."
Makes me want to knock on their foreheads and ask "Anybody home in there?"
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Really? Let's just look at 2015 shall we? Because, to me, it sure seems like cops are shooting UNARMED black people fairly regularly.
A glaring omission is what they were doing just prior to being shot. Most blacks shot by police are actively resisting arrest, and have rap sheets as long as my arm.
BTW, why were there no riots, and damned little news mention of the WHITE unarmed male shot by a black cop in Salt Lake City a couple years ago? He was laying on the sidewalk and no threat to anyone at the time he was executed.