Hah...crooks.....those guys have quite the operation going on....
And even though I know the answer I have to keep asking WHY don't people see that?. Where I am a resolution was just passed to send $2,500.00 (US) to the branch to get three TV's for the indoctrination videos. That means the $2,500.00 they JUST SPENT for a screen and projector is gone with nothing to show for it anymore! That doesn't include the $$$ spent for TWO brand new computers in the last year, one of which "disappeared" when the second one was bought.
I did a little snooping in the library when they forgot to hide the accounts box and found the resolution. It had no date, no signatures, and under the "In Favor" spot simply handwritten "all". I know for a fact that my hand was up when asked those "opposed". The count on the attendance sheet for that night showed 14 on the phone tie-in. None of them even voted.