*** w13 4/15 p. 13 par. 6 Help Yourself and Others by Using God’s Word ***
Rather than paraphrasing key scriptures or reading them from a computer printout or an electronic device, open the Bible and read from it, and encourage the audience to do the same.
*** km 9/00 p. 3 Question Box ***
It is important to keep in mind that one reason for looking up scriptures is to confirm that what is being said is from the Bible. (Acts 17:11) Another objective is to examine the Scriptural evidence in support of what is being discussed so that the faith of all is strengthened. Seeing what the Bible actually says while a key text is read will make a double impression on the mind.
When the speaker reads selected scriptures, he does so directly from the Bible, not from a computer-generated printout. When the speaker invites the audience to read along, he clearly states the Bible book, the chapter, and the verse(s). By pausing to raise a question or to comment briefly on why the text is to be read, he allows time for the audience to find the scripture. Repeating the citation will also help the audience remember the reference. It is not recommended, however, to mention a page number, since these vary depending on the particular Bible edition that individuals in the audience are using. Looking up scriptures when invited to do so helps the audience benefit from the power of God’s Word
*** km 9/09 p. 2 par. 3 Skillfully Use the Bible ***
Many find that reading Bible texts directly from the Bible rather than from a computer monitor or printout makes it easier to locate them later when needed in the ministry.—John 14:26.