But, really, how is anybody benefited by several people repeating the same stupid mistake as the first person?
Reminds me of the stupid dented cake pan illustration.
i'm listening to a podcast where a former elder describes how another elder conducted the watchtower study about hyperbole.
the elder called it hyper-bowl.
soon the whole congregation called it hyper-bowl.
But, really, how is anybody benefited by several people repeating the same stupid mistake as the first person?
Reminds me of the stupid dented cake pan illustration.
i'm listening to a podcast where a former elder describes how another elder conducted the watchtower study about hyperbole.
the elder called it hyper-bowl.
soon the whole congregation called it hyper-bowl.
So, got any other little examples like that?
Darius: Dare'-ee-us' Similar: sim-YOU'-lur Capernaum: Cap-ur-NUMB' Nebuchadnezzar: Knee'boo-CHAD'knee-zurr
it’s quite affirming to see the horrific material that they’re serving up at the convention this year.
aside from blatant homophobia, the scenes at the end of the convention that are discussed on another thread stoop to new levels of fear mongering.
it seems to occur to nobody inside the organisation that this kind of material could trigger fear, deprsssion, anxiety, stress.
It seems to occur to nobody inside the organisation that this kind of material could trigger fear, deprsssion, anxiety, stress.
I respectfully disagree. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. The more depressed, the more anxious, the more stressed one can keep others the more easily they can be manipulated. (IMO) Depression causes a loss of hope among other symptoms, and then WT fills that void with their "hope". Anxiety has a negative effect on a person, and along trots WT with their version of the "cure". And of course they have the WT mantra of, all your stress will be gone "soon" when you are petting cobras and lions in the nu-wurld.
All a person has to do is listen to them talk. Everything these days is gloom and doom, and poor pitiful persecuted us. They can see no light, no good, and nothing positive anywhere in their daily lives. If you do you will be treated like a leper because you just HAVE to have lost your "faith" and fallen prey to the wicked world if you do not buy into their daily ration of misery.
Quite possibly until this country has a majority of Democrats in the House of Representatives & Congress - responsible gun legislation will not be passed.
So why didn't they, when they DID have the majority plus the White House? And don't trot out the "conservatives obstructed them" garbage. They managed to shove Øbama-care down the country's throat. If they could do that, they could have set up "responsible" gun laws, as if the NEXT law is the one that will be the magic button to make criminals obey the law.
hi guys!
i thought you guys would be able to clarify something for me.
according to jw’s what qualifies you to become an elder and who does the appointing?
Husband of one wife". So "technically" a man that has been married more than once does not qualify.
Back in the day that I was still running on the hamster wheel, THIS was the "reason" given for my never making it up the ladder. It was also the first step in waking up to the idiocy of it all. Like I was somehow supposed to force an adulterous female not to run off? Good riddance to BOTH of them!!
the new releases for the regional convention are out at the borg's page.
but remember, you can not see them unless first you attend....
But remember, you can not see them unless first you attend...
And we all know that every single last Dubya will NEVER access them ahead of time...
willoughby assembly hall.
1400+ attendance 5 baptised a robust 0.38 growth!.
$11k expenses however 1st.
I am getting to the point when the JWs are around and they have problems, issues, etc., I just don't feel sorry any more.
That makes two of us. In fact I have gotten to the point of being very vocal about REFUSING any help for them!
suffice to say that i fundamentally disagree with the point of this article, a cynical attempt to boost numbers.
it goes against bible precedent and their own long standing practice.
they timothy as an example of a youthfull christian, a young man.. sure but he was not baptized young .
According to WT a child is old enough, physically mature enough, and emotionally mature enough to decide to make a life-long commitment at the tender age of six...so shouldn't it follow they can decide to fall in "love" and get married at seven or eight? Or be allowed to drink alcohol at that age? Or to enter into a loan agreement to purchase a home, or vehicle at that age? Or...well we all get the point. I just wish WT would get the point,...right up the a--!
this latest video shows shot after shot of gb member mark sanderson helping/comforting/consoling/encouraging etc etc like he is some saint offering spiritual "gifts of mercy" - it seems that when mark decided to have himself videoed in this manner he forgot jesus words in matthew 6:1-4 .
Noticed that this was not REALLY about helping anyone. The last couple minutes they finally got to the point of this video...."We thought we needed $25,000,000.00 but really we need you to send us $60,000,000.00. The governing body "thanks" you for your generous support.
This video is no different than any of the other dozens of begging videos that other religious or secular organizations promote to garner income.
BTW is that Ruby being used as a video prop next to Breaux?
how does watchtower.org feel about this site for jehovah’s witnesses who want to find a partner?.
Still does the Organization find this venue acceptable??
*** w06 3/1 p. 24 par. 9 “Keep Your Senses Completely” ***
Internet Web sites designed to help single individuals find a marriage partner are becoming popular. Some view these as a way to get to know people whom they would not otherwise meet. However, blindly entering into a relationship with a stranger involves real dangers. On the Internet, it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. (Psalm 26:4) Not everyone who claims to be a servant of Jehovah really is. Moreover, with online dating, a strong attachment can develop quickly, and that can distort one’s judgment. (Proverbs 28:26) Whether via the Internet or by some other means, it is unwise to cultivate a close relationship with a person whom one knows very little about.
A circuit overseer asked the question, "What web sites, other than jay doubleyou dot org, are approved of by the governing body?" His answer, "NONE!"
The local PO/COBE says he would not be surprised to see a directive from the g.b. stating that two people can only date after they have been approved to do so by respective elder bodies. Nothing would surprise me anymore when it comes to ratcheting down the control screws on JW's.