One of the definitions of viable is according to Merriam-Webster: b
: capable of existence and development as an independent unit.
At what point can a child, after birth, function as an independent unit (person)? They certainly cannot at six months of age, or even two or three years of age.
At what point does an elderly person cease to be fully able to exist as an independent unit (person)?
If the pro-abortion crowd want to follow this through to the logical conclusion, post-birth "abortion" should be on the table until the unit (person) has reached an age that they would normally be able to exist on their own. And of course elderly units (persons) should be euthanized when they can no longer exist as an independent unit (person).
They also should be made to exercise their "choice" with hands on involvement in the procedure carried out on their own offspring.
Now I know some will thumbs down this comment as too radical, but the ones voting on these type of abortions IMO have not fully thought out the consequences.