would it be a better world if everyone was armed to the teeth or if everyone had no guns.
If one were to believe the bible, there were no guns in Eden and the first recorded murder was carried out with a rock. I say we must ban rocks...and snakes!
in response to the recent terrorist attack in new zealand their government is proposing to ban semi automatic and military style weaponry.. do you agree with this idea?.
would they be better off allowing more of these weapons instead?.
would it be better to perhaps allow more of the muslim community for example, to be armed with semi automatic guns to protect themselves at their places of worship?.
would it be a better world if everyone was armed to the teeth or if everyone had no guns.
If one were to believe the bible, there were no guns in Eden and the first recorded murder was carried out with a rock. I say we must ban rocks...and snakes!
in response to the recent terrorist attack in new zealand their government is proposing to ban semi automatic and military style weaponry.. do you agree with this idea?.
would they be better off allowing more of these weapons instead?.
would it be better to perhaps allow more of the muslim community for example, to be armed with semi automatic guns to protect themselves at their places of worship?.
No one needs these weapons except police and military, they serve only one purpose, to kill many people quickly.
See the quoted comment below. Or did you mean that the police and military only serve the purpose of killing many people quickly?
But rogue local police? Yes, that can happen.
Why an exception for police to have military grade weapons? Who are they going up against? The now magically law-abiding criminals who have turned over all their banned weapons? Or the now unarmed general population? Police also have NO NEED of military weapons, IF you succeed in disarming the law-abiding.
after seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
White nationalism? IDK that it is a big problem. But I did hear a good joke forty or fifty years ago about Whites, Blacks and Native Americans.
I better not write it though as I do not want to "offend" the tender sensibilities of someone reading it.
poor jussie.
it’s really not his fault.
poor politicians, they were simply misquoted.
I took stock of my life and decided that I must try to be offended and butt-hurt because I don't have anything that I must be offended and butt-hurt about, and that offended me.
not that i spend much time on the cult's website, but i like to skim through their latest propaganda to make sure i'm up to date with their nuttiness.
(and when i say skim, i mean just that.
the wafer thin, dumbed down content can be read in like 2 mins flat).. i just had to share my thoughts on the above piece of trash.. no.
So I threw up in the back of my mouth reading this drivel from WT. Thanks for taking one for the team PE. I could surely see that the gibbering body follows their own counsel to the letter. (Sarcasm) I was going to ask if they are really that mentally challenged that they do not see themselves as complete hypocrites, but I know the answer to that question. They are either too stupid to see it, or too arrogant to admit it!
hi friends, .
can somebody please help me locate a recent thread that dealt with shunning of family members and the policy double standard, e.g.
jw.borg explanation that the family relationship is unchanged and the recent daily text that suggested that we should shun them.. tried searching but could not find it.. thanks rb.
........he said " Well that would be presumptuous ".
Sorry to disagree. That is not exactly what he said. He said it would SEEM presumptuous to say that. That small word "seem" changes the statement entirely. In THEIR mind it is not, never has been, and never will be presumptuous to make that statement. Jackson's testimony was in fact a classic example of "spiritual" warfare.
it has always struck me that wt is so very short-sighted in many things.
often, they are very re-active, and not so much pro-active in their reasoning and the way they plan for the future.. just thinking today, and have kicked this one around for a while now.. is the watchtower organization truly sustainable?
is a new monetary structure on the horizon?
It will of course be named something different,
The monthly "voluntary" offering to Gee-HO-Vuh via the eldurr monitored use of the web-site. If you don't contribute you will be marked as "brazenly" refusing instructions that "do not seem practical from a human standpoint" and summarily shunned until you do give until it hurts.
i have been studying with jehovah's witnesses for approximately two years.
initially, i liked the studies and felt that i was growing closer to god.
however, as the studies progressed, they seemed to become increasingly negative and i did not like what i was being taught.
I no longer want to continue studying but I don't have the courage to say that to the Witnesses.
As another comment suggested, ask your "teacher" to show you the video about stopping unproductive studies. Then ask them if THEY would do that to someone just because the person was not "progressing". Then when they say "Yes", quit the meetings, start not being home when they show up, and tell them when they ask what is going on that you have no intention of ever getting baptized.
The only studies they consider to be progressive are the ones who they believe will become baptized, and a feather in their WT hat to brag about, "I brought so-and-so into Da Troof!"
a woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
One of the definitions of viable is according to Merriam-Webster: b : capable of existence and development as an independent unit.
At what point can a child, after birth, function as an independent unit (person)? They certainly cannot at six months of age, or even two or three years of age.
At what point does an elderly person cease to be fully able to exist as an independent unit (person)?
If the pro-abortion crowd want to follow this through to the logical conclusion, post-birth "abortion" should be on the table until the unit (person) has reached an age that they would normally be able to exist on their own. And of course elderly units (persons) should be euthanized when they can no longer exist as an independent unit (person).
They also should be made to exercise their "choice" with hands on involvement in the procedure carried out on their own offspring.
Now I know some will thumbs down this comment as too radical, but the ones voting on these type of abortions IMO have not fully thought out the consequences.
blondie’s first thoughts wt study 2-24-2019 (young ones happy) december 2018, pages 19-23).
excellent general website: www.jwfacts.com .
bible translations www.biblegateway.com/cgi-bin/bible .
I noticed too the paragraph that made it sound so simple and free. God gave ONLY ONE command to Adam and Eve in Genesis. by the time of Exodus it was TEN. By the time of Leviticus it was how many?
Then along comes Jesus and he gives TWO commands. A few decades later Paul gives DOZENS. And here we are in 2019 and how many HUNDREDS do the governing body set out?
To me that one paragraph shone a bright light on the hypocrisy of the modern day Guardians of Doctrine.