Now I’m a full figured gorgeous lady with intelligence and humor.
I am sorry if what I say offends you, or anyone else. My personal experience with having in the past dated single JW women indicates that the saying, "We are NOT a cult" as the fall back for cult members may just be the similar case here.
I would suspect from personal experience that "I'm a full figured" (morbidly obese) "gorgeous lady" (everyone is gorgeous on Facebook), with "intelligence" (I can read a book), and "humor" (I laugh at people who take care of themselves), MIGHT be the case here. I am not saying it is, just that I have seen that full figured, gorgeous ladies, with a genuine sense of humor, and intelligence, have no trouble finding a companion in life.
Now, remember I said that this was based on MY experience with JW woman who were single. And no, I did not look for "Barbie", nor did I look for someone much younger than myself. I found that, at least in my area, when a single JW woman got into their forties they were either married, or single for very good reason.