one righteous minded little black lady
She ain't righteous minded. . .she ain't "little". . .and she sure as Hell ain't no lady! Well one out of four ain't bad I guess!
But go ahead with your name calling if it makes you feel better about yourself!
every republican president ever elected starting with reagan generated hysteria in the news media.
they belittled, cajoled, ridiculed, mocked and resisted the highest elected leader in the land in an attempt to overturn the will of the people.
one righteous minded little black lady
She ain't righteous minded. . .she ain't "little". . .and she sure as Hell ain't no lady! Well one out of four ain't bad I guess!
But go ahead with your name calling if it makes you feel better about yourself!
i think that for the most part, dissenting views should be allowed to exist because of free speech principles.
one person may strongly feel that something is true while someone else may present “facts” that support the opposing view.
when that is the case, healthy discussion is mostly productive.
What makes anyone thing that they and their family can't be cancelled from all internet access and basic services.
The belief that somehow "going along to get along" is the answer. The belief that one can negotiate from a position of weakness or servitude. The same mentality that allows someone to build a home on the banks of a river, and then whine when the river floods and they lose their home.
i think that for the most part, dissenting views should be allowed to exist because of free speech principles.
one person may strongly feel that something is true while someone else may present “facts” that support the opposing view.
when that is the case, healthy discussion is mostly productive.
IDK. I guess I will have to ask twatter and fakebook if differences of opinion should be allowed on "social" media platforms.
Seriously though, as long as it isn't overly illegal opinions, think of some of the lefts calls for Trump to be punched in the face or many other video clips of overt calls to violence from the left, then no there should be no stifling of dissenting speech.
i think he will have to deal with the attorney general of new york amongst other things.
i do think he will not simply go away quietly ..
@ minumus - You are correct. However, I would add that Peloski and company HATE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA even more than they hate Trump. They hate self-reliant, patriotic, legal citizens who are much more difficult to control as much as they hate the U.S.A. Trump just got in the way of their agenda and slowed them down and showed them up for the haters and hypocrites they are. For that he will pay, and so will the average citizen of the U.S. and the ripple effect will go even wider. Anyone who does not subscribe to their agenda will be censored, ridiculed, shut down, marginalized, and banned from public expression of conservative ideals and opinions. IMO.
i think he will have to deal with the attorney general of new york amongst other things.
i do think he will not simply go away quietly ..
The problem was Trump wasn't looking as defaced as he needed to. That could not be allowed.
He should have put on his best "sad face" and went to the back row and sat all alone. Just trying to interject a little humor.
You are of course correct. And it was not Trump as such that the left was after. It was the successful, happy, employed, citizens who were not dependent on government hand-outs that the left hated; Trump was just in their way. I for one hope that Trump somehow comes back and causes them even more consternation.
i think he will have to deal with the attorney general of new york amongst other things.
i do think he will not simply go away quietly ..
Sorry, storming the doors of the Capitol building and rooting through desks in the Senate is not peaceful
Well, burning buildings, clubbing people with bats, stealing everything you can get your paws on, and attacking police is? They should have just carried some BLM/AnitFa banners, then it would be just fine whatever they did.
i think he will have to deal with the attorney general of new york amongst other things.
i do think he will not simply go away quietly ..
The live feed of today's joint session was interrupted about 20 minutes ago because Trump supporters have apparently stormed the Capitol building.
This is a quote from the host/owner of another blog site I frequent: There's some photographic evidence out there suggesting that some of the first to breach the building had previously been photographed committing violent acts for (surprise!) Antifa and BLM.
This is going to get pretty dicey IMO. The media will continue to stage events like this with BLM/AntiFa plants who will with full cooperation from LEO's now go after ALL conservatives even more violently than they did for the last four years. As Mr Limbaugh very accurately said, "They were after the American people, Trump just got in the way."
a while back, i suggested that an easy, quick, quiet exit with the signing and dating of a concise and irrefutable document would spur faders and pimos to preempt the elders' interference by quitting quietly first , before a fade or a confrontation.
here is the document .!avoitfxyvyqghq3gbmkhfyqp_jqp?e=8bttg1.
Once they know that you have decided to leave, then they will inform everyone about your choice to leave. They will announce you have disassociated yourself.
Pretty well true. There is a reason they no longer announce that, "So-and-so has been dis-fellowshipped," or "So-and-so has dis-associated themself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
They simply announce, "So-and-so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." In that announcement they are correct, YOU are no longer a JW. The "loyal" JDubs though will know what that code announcement means. Meanwhile you have no solid basis for any kind of legal action against them for stating what YOU YOURSELF have stated.
Remember, a secret is NO SECRET when shared by more than one.
here is one of the many commandments jesus instructed his twelve apostles to keep, follow, and obey!.
here is anthony morris ( supposedly selected by jehovah to keep, follow and obey the sayings of jesus ) name-calling and condemning enemies!
the pharisees used to label people as well.
Which makes one wonder how in the hell did he make it to being one of the top GB members of the JWS organization ?
Well he is pretty well imitating Rutherfraud after all. An alcoholic, Cadillac driving, self righteous asshole. Those seem to be the main attributes to make it in the org. these days.
i have a few jw relatives who are true believers.
by this i mean, they believe with all their heart that 1914 was the beginning of the last days, that this is the last generation, that we are in the very last of the last hour of this system of things, and that you should obey the governing body even if it does not make sense.
all of them are in their 60s and up into their 90s there is nothing you can say or show them to convince them or even cause a small doubt that the wt is not god organization.
JWdom is just so different now. Also, they've seen the org change so much in ways they don't necessarily like or understand. I'd love to know what they're really thinking.
My mother was baptized in 1942. Was a firm believer up to the point she developed Alzheimer's dementia and died. She said shortly before she lost what rational thinking ability she had, "If Jehovah's Witnesses had been then what they are now, I would NEVER have become one!"
My father who was what many have termed a "WT heavy" for many decades (although he did imitate Jesus examples of forgiveness and compassion much to other elders irritation) said shortly before he followed my mother in death, "This organization has love on their lips, but NONE in their hearts any longer!"
I know I have commented on their words in other threads.