This has always been a sore spot for me. Especially as I have been settling my parent's financial matters after their deaths.
I have found many records of financial help my parents gave. And they are not just a few dollars (US) at a time. In one case it was well over $20,000.00. On one occasion my father mentioned in an elder meeting that a sister needed some financial help and all except one other elder and my father refused any help.
My parents did not restrict their help to just JW's either as most of the very few who do help do. My parents read a news article about a homeless couple whose three year old daughter had died and they could not afford a proper funeral. My parents paid the entire cost of final preparation and the services. Their only condition of doing so was that it not be revealed WHO had helped. The records of cash flow my father kept are how I found out.
Unfortunately I was not able to make all the legal changes in where they willed money before they died and WT got a pot load of money. And the greedy b-----ds could only find themselves able to write a letter asking if that was all they were going to get, or if I had more to send.
WT never has, never does, an never will let cash flow any other way except up.