Wonder if Mark Sanderson would go on camera to boast about ever turning down the urge to masterbate?
Only if he lied about it.
so did anyone else have the misfortune of listening to sanderson’s talk corresponding to the saturday morning convention program?.
full title is “young people - choose a path that leads to peace!”.
the basic idea is, hey you teenagers, you ought to be pioneers, wt construction workers, and/or bethelites.. i tried to put myself back in time an embarrassing number of decades…if i were in this talk’s target audience, how would i respond?.
so did anyone else have the misfortune of listening to sanderson’s talk corresponding to the saturday morning convention program?.
full title is “young people - choose a path that leads to peace!”.
the basic idea is, hey you teenagers, you ought to be pioneers, wt construction workers, and/or bethelites.. i tried to put myself back in time an embarrassing number of decades…if i were in this talk’s target audience, how would i respond?.
Heavy equipment repair at 85 years of age?? Are you kidding me??
Sadly, no. What makes the situation worse is that now his widowed wife has no family to help, no measurable social security, no life insurance, and is blind and diabetic. I know well the congregation they were associated with and there will be zero assistance for her. They fit perfectly the description of ancient Pharisees. Bind up heavy loads but won't lift a finger to help. And even though I would normally do nothing to help a JW who put themselves in that position, I think of the way my parents were treated and feel a personal obligation to help the poor woman as I can within reason.
i need your help with this topic.
i’m trying to find an elder’s letter or wt article that frown upon a good standing jw allowing an unmarried couple to stay over their house for the night.. my wife claims this is a conscience matter and i say that’s bs, this leadership does not allow it.
would like to find this info..
The watchtower organization has too much time on their hands and obviously think that couples have a lot more sex than they actually do.
I have made the comment many times even though I get the squint eye from them when I do that when JW's yap about the "world" being sex crazed they are in reality projecting. They are always thinking or talking about who is doing it, where they are doing it, when they are doing it, who they are doing it with, and how men are women are basically sexual predators just waiting to seduce someone.
so did anyone else have the misfortune of listening to sanderson’s talk corresponding to the saturday morning convention program?.
full title is “young people - choose a path that leads to peace!”.
the basic idea is, hey you teenagers, you ought to be pioneers, wt construction workers, and/or bethelites.. i tried to put myself back in time an embarrassing number of decades…if i were in this talk’s target audience, how would i respond?.
you should be a “full time servant”, Jehovah will magically take care of you
I noticed that Ol' Tightpants Tony spewed pretty well the same verbal diarrhea. Ranted about people who think they should try to build enough savings for retirement instead of letting God take care of them. I guess that is why an older friend of mine who recently died was still struggling to perform full time heavy equipment repair at 85 years of age with a blown out back and ruined knees!
I wish those g.b. slobs would have to spend even six months WORKING instead of leeching off the gullible!
Look at how many men cheat on their partners, or 'trade her in for a younger model'
There was a guy I knew who used to say when his wife turned 40 he was going to trade her in on two 20 year olds. Trouble was he found out he was not wired for 220. Ba-Da-Bump
Thanks folks, make sure to tip your server. I'll be here all week.
do you think the brothers who wrote watchtower articles are living in real world?........
david splane........ powerful by faith convention 2021 video.
please i got an excerpt of this from another video but the response by david splane is not included.
Living in the real world?
Hardly! In the real world pimple faced nerdy teen age boys are not continually propositioned by the hottest girl in high school to hop in bed with them! Neither are over 21 year old mama's boy males whose testicles still haven't dropped (horsemen will get that reference) routinely invited over to look at someones fish tank as an excuse for sex.
the watchtower—study edition | september 2022. elders do not reveal confidential matters to their family members (see paragraph 11) .
elders who are known to keep a confidence are “a hiding place from the wind, a place of concealment” for their brothers.
Elders do not reveal confidential matters to their family members (See paragraph 11)
What would Jesus say? King James Bible
Ye are of your
father the devil . . . When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for
he is a liar, and the father of it.
more accurately known as a reversal of a long held 'truth.'.
september 2022 study watchtower - par.
14 p. 18 - "in the past, we understood jesus’ words to refer to the deeds the resurrected ones will practice after their resurrection; that is, some will come to life and practice good things while others will come to life and practice vile things.
"breaking news | 2023 conventions.
we are pleased to announce that the governing body has decided that, jehovah willing, we will resume in-person regional conventions in 2023. branches will now begin scheduling dates and selecting venues.
we pray for jehovah’s rich blessing to be with all those involved in the planning.".
the other day, i chatted to an elderly woman and her daughter who was about 45-50. total strangers.. we were discussing covid when the daughter said, "my neighbor studies with jw's, and the jw's told her 3 months before the virus started, that they had to stop going from door to door because something was coming.".
i've never heard anything like this before - have you?.