In December 2019 I came down with what I initially thought to be a cold. As it rapidly progressed I lost my sense of taste and smell, and had every one of the now classic symptoms of COVID 19. I was more sick than I have ever been in my life for nearly three weeks. THAT ain't no cold folks! It took another three weeks until early February 2020 before I finally felt like I had regained my health. While I was sick I thought that I would have to die just to get better.
I had "IT" before the government told us what "IT" was.
One can say the "simulations" and the Faux-Xi warnings and so on were only coincidence, but anyone with an I.Q. larger than their shoe size knows better! The lock downs and masking and physical distancing were NEVER about safety, they were ALWAYS about governments control over the population and manipulating the public to see how gullible they would be and how much personal freedom they would willingly give up for an illusion of safety.
Just like a skilled "magician" uses distraction for their tricks, governments and their puppet masters will say or do one thing and while you are looking one way they are doing their "tricks" on you while you are distracted. Always look at the opposite of what they do and listen to the opposite of what they say is your best defense.