Still does the Organization find this venue acceptable??
*** w06 3/1 p. 24 par. 9 “Keep Your Senses Completely” ***
Internet Web sites designed to help single individuals find a marriage partner are becoming popular. Some view these as a way to get to know people whom they would not otherwise meet. However, blindly entering into a relationship with a stranger involves real dangers. On the Internet, it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. (Psalm 26:4) Not everyone who claims to be a servant of Jehovah really is. Moreover, with online dating, a strong attachment can develop quickly, and that can distort one’s judgment. (Proverbs 28:26) Whether via the Internet or by some other means, it is unwise to cultivate a close relationship with a person whom one knows very little about.
A circuit overseer asked the question, "What web sites, other than jay doubleyou dot org, are approved of by the governing body?" His answer, "NONE!"
The local PO/COBE says he would not be surprised to see a directive from the g.b. stating that two people can only date after they have been approved to do so by respective elder bodies. Nothing would surprise me anymore when it comes to ratcheting down the control screws on JW's.