Things could always take another turn for the worse, and they will IF the "powers-that-be" have their way or begin to think the average citizen is getting a little too far from from the government teat.
JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
Good news and bad news --- pandemic and Kingdom Halls.
by pistolpete inu/aposta-fish from exjw reddit.
good news bad news pandemic and kingdom halls.. first the bad news, coming out of israel - one of the first countries to push total vaccination.
the news is the vaccine especially the pfizer one looks like it wears off and hospital rates have gone up for those that have been vaccinated.
Good news and bad news --- pandemic and Kingdom Halls.
by pistolpete inu/aposta-fish from exjw reddit.
good news bad news pandemic and kingdom halls.. first the bad news, coming out of israel - one of the first countries to push total vaccination.
the news is the vaccine especially the pfizer one looks like it wears off and hospital rates have gone up for those that have been vaccinated.
JWs will be back in Kingdom Hall’s sooner than we think.
I know it is only hearsay, but the local JW COBE's wife reportedly said that when the KH opens up again there will be strict restrictions on letting anyone who has made the informed choice to wait to receive the gene therapy shot into the KH. Sounds like another GOOD reason to decline the jab, to me!
China About to Screw Your Life Again
by Simon inchina's economy is wobbling as one of its largest companies, evergrande, is teetering on bankruptcy.. there's a good chance it's collapse will have a knock-on effect on other markets.. so more to thank them for than just the covid virus.. no one should have any dealing with china..
DOW and S&P500 are both down about 2.8% so far today.
Perhaps this has a little to do with it?
Blonde Jokes
by Bangalore inblonde jokes.. two blondes went to the pound where each adopted a puppy.
the joy of their new best friend was quickly overshadowed when they got home and the first blonde said, "i think we're in trouble, how are we going to tell them apart?
" this lead to several hours of concentration until finally, the second blonde said, "i've got an idea.
A blond woman was out for an afternoon drive one spring day. As she drove along enjoying the scenery she spied another blond in a row boat out in the middle of a plowed field pulling mightily on the oars . She pulls over onto the shoulder or the road, gets out of her car, and going over to the fence yells,"What in the name of God are you doing?" Second blond yells back, "Can't you see, I am rowing this little boat across this field." First blond yells in reply, "That is so stupid. You cannot do that. And if I could swim I would come out there and kick your ass!"
Miley looks like a tin-horn dictator with all that crap on his chest. I imagine most of it is "participation" ribbons, like they give in the Special Olympics.
Inside the brutal world of jw's
by jonahstourguide inwoke up to this piece on abc news australia..
the shine lawyer group have a reputation for going in hard.. jtg..
They say congregation members “exercise their personal religious conscience … to limit or cease their association with a disfellowshipped person.”
The quote above from the article is what JW's profess. I can speak from experience that that is complete utter B.S. I was threatened with being DF'd because I gave a fellow who was DF'd a ride home during a terrible thunderstorm so he wouldn't have to struggle to walk about three miles (US) home after dark. He had suffered a severe head injury in an industrial accident while DF'd.
Later during a period of time I was DF'd the P.O. gave an unscheduled talk on the service meeting between opening announcements and the scheduled second part to chastise the congregation for even making eye contact with me.
Their personal religious conscience be damned! Too bad anyone who has seen first hand the reality could not form a class action to bring to light the lies.
Biden - Inappropriate Toucher and Killer of Children
by Simon inny times report on the drone strike in afghanistan - they killed an aid worker and his family including 7 children.. it was done as a political stunt so biden could claim they struck back at a terrorist (although it was a suicide bomb attack).. the attack was due to his incompetence and the drone strike done to distract from it.. his inappropriate touching of young girls now seems tame compared to his murder of young children.. he should be prosecuted.
he should be jailed.
he won't be, because us politics.. if you voted for him you're a shit that supports an inappropriate toucher and killer of children..
He should be prosecuted. He should be jailed.
You are much more forgiving than I. I believe he should be arrested, tried and convicted, then sentenced to the U.S. military code's penalty for treason during a time of war.
Sep. 2021 Broadcast: more money
by neat blue dog inin the latest jw broadcast, anthony morris the turd gives a talk about donations.
to camouflage this, he starts and ends the talk by saying that isn't actually what he's doing.
first he starts with the usual disclaimer, 'wt has never begged for money like christendom and we never will', you know the drill.
What happened to " you received free, give free"?💰💰😉
That went away with considering Jesus as the savior of mankind.
As the lyrics to a Bocephus song says:
Now there are some preachers on T.V. with a suit and a tie and a vest
They want you to send your money to the Lord but they give you
Their address 'cause all of your donations are completely tax free
God bless you all but most of all send your money -
Unfaithful spouse
by Worstfear inmy wife and i have been together for 12 years.
married for 6. she was born into the truth, i studied for 2 years before we got married.
we would attend meetings on a weekly basis, go to conventions, and memorial every year.
Protect your assets and throw her under the bus JW wise .Make sure the Elders know it was her who brought reproach on Jehovah's Organization .It`s no time or place to be sentimental or "christian" you know what I mean, don`t turn the other cheek.
This /\ /\ /\ /\ /\.
There is a saying, "Don't get mad, get even." Well do not buy into that. My saying is ,"Do not get even, get AHEAD!" This is the time to coldly and logically formulate a plan to crush the conniving b----. Then live your life happy to be free of the weight.
Is the FACT that no God/god ever communicates with humans evidence that no God/god exists?
by Disillusioned JW inis the fact that no god/god ever communicates with us evidence that no god/god exists?
i think it is very strong evidence that no personal god/god exits, especially a benevolent god who wants humans to know him him/her/it, to obey him/her/it, and/or to love him/her/it.
since no god/god communicates to us (including those who sincerely want communication with the/a god/god), wouldn't it be sensible for those who pray to what they believe is the/a god/god to cease all efforts to communicate to a god/god?
Is the FACT that no God/god ever communicates with us evidence that no God/god exists?
I would have to answer "No" to that question. I do feel though that IF there is in fact a God, he just doesn't give a GOD damn about us humans.