I was confronted about my informed decision to decline the COVID shot, at this time. I got the "Do you think the GB would all have taken it, if it were not safe? Getting the shot shows respect for life. Getting the shot shows "love" for your fellowman," lines of B.S.
My answer was that in accord with the Bible I was exercising my "free will" to make an informed personal decision about what medical treatments I would accept or decline. *** w13 1/15 p. 28 par. 3 Christian Elders—‘Fellow Workers for Our Joy’ *** After all, present-day elders are not the masters over their brothers’ faith. If declining a medical treatment that may save your life does not show respect for life, why not force JW members to take all forms of cancer treatment, even when the cancer is terminal? How does forcing me to submit to any certain medial treatment show love to me on the part of the ones forcing me under threat of "judicial" censorship to submit? I made my decision and now according to scripture I will carry my own load of responsibility. Galatians 6: 5
Crickets. . . .