Thank you Atlantis.
First thing I notice is that the letter lays the blame on the lowly publisher for not obtaining a better outcome ddue to not contacting HLC far enough in advance, IN AN EMERGENCY. Well excuse us! I guess we need to plan medical emergencies in advance now!
Perhaps it is just me, I noticed that the Announcements For Elders in Paragraph 2 subparagraph 2 states "When a publisher requests HLC assistance, FIRST contact the HLC to provide the following information: Spiritual standing of publisher and his family. . ." (Bold and italics mine) It sounds like any help will be exactly like the JW "love" they brag about. . .CONDITIONAL!
I base that opinion on paragraph 3 which indicates it is only after step 2 that the oh so important elder would provide the HLC information to the lowly publisher.
The elders giveth, and the elders taketh away I guess.