JoinedTopics Started by Cimarrona
Family Insists on Having Relationship with My Child -_-
by Cimarrona inhi gang, i'm a single mother of an 8 month old baby boy.
i've been df'd for over six years now.
my parents are super dubs and most of my siblings are dubs (on paper - a couple have been inactive my entire life but still claim to believe) with the exception of a brother who was never baptized.
Pro-Blood Transfusion Directives for the Ex-JW
by Cimarrona inhey everyone, i have a question... all of my family members are jehovah's witnesses, save my son and me.
if something were to happen to me and i lost consciousness, my parents would be the best of kin called on to make medical decisions.
how do i ensure that if a transfusion is needed, hospital/doctors are clear that i do indeed want a transfusion and that my parents cannot override that decision?
Stranger Things on Netflix
by Cimarrona ini've been knee deep in this netflix series "stranger things," which is a science fiction show about a group of adolescent friends in a town where a government lab has been doing experiments.
it took me like a year to get around to watching it.
but so glad that i finally started.
The Unforgivable Sin (LOL)
by Cimarrona ini remember my mother teaching me that a conscience was like an alarm in my head that would warn me when i'm on the verge of doing something immoral.
if i ignored the beeping, the batteries would run out.
i'd lose my moral compass.
If the WTBTS Was Disbanded Tomorrow...
by Cimarrona inhow would the gb, do, co, bethelites, elders, pioneers, etc list their now-meaningless positions on their resume?
JWs + Chronic Illness
by Cimarrona ini once asked my dad why, with all the power the wt insists on having so much control over its adherents' lives, they don't provide information about healthy eating habits or, like the adventists, wilderness training.
i mean, the gb encourage people to remain poor, and poverty is known to correlate with health outcomes, particularly those that are diet related.
i'd say most witnesses i knew over the age of 40 were overweight, had high blood pressure, heart problems, gastrointestinal issues, one kind of cancer or another (no doubt a result of eating their feelings if you ask me).
Self Intro
by Cimarrona ini've done a good deal of posting in my brief 24 hours here so far, figured i might as well provide a slightly more in depth narrative.
second generation born-in.
elder's daughter and elders' granddaughter.
Remember the First "Young People Ask..." VHS?
by Cimarrona indo y'all remember the young people ask tape that came out in the late 90s about "bad association"?
i was a fairly small child with teenage siblings and watched it often (with family and alone cause i thought it was the inside scoop on older kids).
that was back when worldly was still very much so a part of dubspeak (i think they started encouraging people to stop saying it in the mid to late 2000s).
The First Young People Ask VHS
by Cimarrona indo y'all remember the young people ask tape that came out in the late 90s about "bad association"?
i was a fairly small child with teenage siblings and watched it often (with family and alone cause i thought it was the inside scoop on older kids).
that was back when worldly was still very much so a part of dubspeak (i think they started encouraging people to stop saying it in the mid to late 2000s).