Tick Tick Tick...so we must not worry if the WT get's found out...everybody is getting exposed.
what is this world coming to?.
it seems like everyone is being accused of sexual improprieties!
even porn stars like the hedgehog “.
Tick Tick Tick...so we must not worry if the WT get's found out...everybody is getting exposed.
what do you think there hiding?.
Hi Again,
I''m in the hall. Many of the friends have children but either over protective of them or they think we are built in babysitters...many that come in are single parents and they get love bombed and think wow, I can leave my child with Mr. & Mrs. Loving...some of the witnesses didn't even want any children but now they have them....you should see them at the hall...they looked whipped...D2D, letter writing, 2 meetings a week, spiritual homework, it's too much for them, but they blame the system not realizing the org. is keeping us so busy, we don't have time for our kids...
In the prison system if you are in jail for pedophile they call you Short Eyes....& they deal with you...& it's not pretty, they just may kill you....even a murderer looks down on a pedo's...what's that saying about us ?
jehovah's witnesses' tab for child sex abuse secrecy $2m and counting.
by trey bundy / november 16, 2017. .
All I want to know is when the New York Times will pick up the JW's news...If this type of news comes out of NYC, folks will believe it...Not saying any of these papers are not worthy, but the world believes and reads The NYT's, even the Daily News...
Again, what's protecting the org...or who ?
& Just an FYI: If you think the friends don't know...they do...when folks don't talk about stuff means they know...if it's mentioned here & there then many may not know...they know...just too embarrassed to say they do...many of them have talked about other religions and now it's them...Many of them just hopes this blows over...
I've spoken to a couple of witnesses and they know personally of some elder touching a child and nothing was done...many even had it happened to their child ....but the org. is the only place that THEY belong...scared to go out in the real world...scared to deal with real problems...most witnesses not all are misfits...and the org. is noticing that as well. That's why they don't want us to keep dragging a bible study for a long time...just for hours...the org. is bringing in mentally challenged folks...& they can't be helped, they need professional help...Many will keep a bible student no matter what, they could be dribbling, but they making time...
All, I can say is when will major media pickup this story...
what do you think there hiding?.
Why? Because they have SOMETHING TO HIDE...they have been pointing fingers at other religions for years...it's their pride and they know they would lose folks....
The org. is where I learned if you point one finger at someone, 3 fingers are pointing back at you...
Remember this is God's organization, & he wouldn't have pehophile's in the org. & if he does then, in time he will weed them out but only Jehovah can weed them out, not authorities...Plus it's all about the $$$$...
The org. has been hiding this for a while now...
Somehow, I feel the org. is Teflon...everything and everybody is being exposed, just look at the news...nothing is a secret anymore, all that was done in the dark is coming to light....seems there is a lot of sexual abuse going on...
jonah account as given in the bible proves the account is illogical, hence written by thoughtless human writer because:.
1) god is shown to be forcing jonah against his will.
(god would not go against the free-will of his children because history shows: he doesn’t punish atheists nor does he do any favors to theists).
This story teaches us you can run but you can't hide from God...he will find you wherever you are & you will do his will, even if you got to spend 3 days in a whale to get your head straight...
Even a new believer or a re-newed believer can preach the good news...and Jonah preached through-out the city of Ninevah, which was bigger than Manhattan...Must of been the nutrients that the whale had in his tummy that gave Jonah his energy and zealousness for the preaching work.
with the shit hitting the fan with all these molestation charges against celebrities and notable people.
the time would be perfect for a u.s. major news network to do a story on the pedophile cover-up of the organization.
since dateline did a story about this 15 year's it would be great for them to do a follow up report on how not only have the watchtower not changed their ways but have become firmly entrenched about their pedo policies!
I agree....with all these molestation cases being exposed, you would think JW's would be exposed as well. But what is their protection....Jehovah?????
One of the politicians have been exposed from something that happened 40 yrs. ago. Many are stepping up to confess.
On this site a woman did a video of how she awakened....she was torn to pieces after what she learned...I mean distraught...so as much as the org. should be exposed there are so many like her in the congregation....just imagine millions of witnesses having the rug pulled from under them...the Health Care community couldn't keep up with the meds., they would have to administer....Many would just fall apart. Others would breathe a sigh of relief they've been awake for a long time...but just didn't know how to leave...without being labeled...so like me many are awakened but just don't have the guts to leave, because that's what it takes GUTS. Not to worry about what they say about you....
Many believe if they leave their is no where else to go...there are many non-denominational places of worship, you just have to search...most places of worship are places where you hear motivational speech, not too much doctrine. Of course you'll hear about Heaven instead of Paradise, according to other places of worship, if we are good we go to heaven and others go to a hot place...whatever, it's all about control...if you are bad, you to a hot place or according to WT doctrine, you simply won't exist anymore....trinity, that's nothing...a place of worship is supposed to bring one peace of mind....and able to endure day by day...
The trap of the WT is the social aspect and having people who know you. You have a circle of friends, whether they are conditional friends or not...again, most not all witnesses are social misfits, so they have found a place where they fit...
So, should the org. be exposed all at once or should it be like a drip...a little at a time...the friends couldn't take it...but the way things are being exposed...it just may be a matter of time....
In our hearts we shouldn't want any harm to come to people, so we'll just pray (those who still believe in prayer) that God will do it his way (again, for those who believe). God sees the big picture. I know a sister that if the org. was exposed, she would faint dead away, the org. is all she has.
so will armageddon be the biblical one we read about or is it probably going to be a government ban on christians that we will perceive as armageddon?
I'll bite..so this is how it goes..Rev. 6:And I saw when the Lamb+ opened one of the seven seals,+ and I heard one of the four living creatures+ say with a voice like thunder: “Come!” 2 And I saw, and look! a white horse,+ and the one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him,+ and he went out conquering and to complete his conquest.+ 3 When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature+ say: & so on...now according to the WT...the Lamb is the same one as on the White horse...so how could he open the seals come out then open up another seal...
Nobody knows how this is going to play out...we are all so intelligent and read so much into simple scriptures...I have thought of so many scenarios but nothing comes to mind...I know now the world is in Kaos...but nothing new..ain't that what Solomon said..nothing new under the sun..
We shall see or we will be gone and won't see but maybe wake up to lions and tigers and bears...Oh My...
november 3, 2017 to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: update on recent natural disasters.
How commendable....in the words of a JW...there is nothing wrong with helping our own...but then pay forward. The Society helps their brothers and sisters first...and that's a good thing...just like in your own family...family first...but when they get on their feet, then help their neighbors...
JW's are so inbred...they eat up the compliments when others say, oh it's so wonderful that you help one another, but what about the Red Cross and other emergency responses...they come to anyone rescue...but just think if witnesses extended the help they got....it's called pay forward, someone helps you and you help someone...
new to the forum.
hope today finds everyone well.
i’m not super familiar with jw theology concerning jesus.
Jesus is the guy who died for our sins (again, if this is true)...he didn't do nothing just took the hit for us humans...
JW's believe that he was the son of God...Matt. 10:16-17:After being baptized, Jesus immediately came up from the water; and look! the heavens were opened up,+ and he saw God’s spirit descending like a dove and coming upon him.+ 17 Look! Also, a voice from the heavens+ said: “This is my Son,+ the beloved, whom I have approved.”+. So if Jesus and God are the same, whose voice was that coming from Heaven...Didn't know Jesus could throw his voice...
Jesus was about Love...I would rather believe he was real, what a great pattern he left to follow...how many of us would wash the feet of our betrayer???
so i was reading the book of daniel, starting with chapter 4 (nebuchadnezzar's famous tree chopping/banding dream where the 7 times is introduced) but i noticed that when you don't cherry pick verses and just read straight thru - it really seems like some children's book that was poorly written.
even though the borg says that this book as written by daniel, chapter 4 is clearly written by "king nebuchad·nezzar to all the peoples, nations, and language groups dwelling in all the earth" after the tree chopping business.
) of the rest of the chapters seem to be written in 3rd person (odd, if you are writing about your experiences).
Is the Bible inspired ? Who knows...The bible only tells us how to treat one another...you can read all the books in the bible and it's about Good vs Evil....
The more you read the bible and pick it apart the more you will lose the message....who cares if Neby had x amount of wives, or if you can say the Lord's prayer backwards on one foot, as I said before...WE ARE OUR BROTHERS KEEPERS...The Gov't isn't checking for us...we have to watch out for one another...
Don't get bogged down by some of the stories regarding Jehovah's killings of innocent folks...Read about Jesus, LOVE...he gave his life for us...no other religion has redemption...you can do good all your life but no guarantee you'll go & be with 10,000 virgins...but with Jesus dying for us...we might have a chance...let me say this...IF YOU BELIEVE..
Whether it's inspired or not...Just be good to your fellow man...as yesterdays WT expressed, have compassion for another person, even if you haven't been through anything...if you see something that you can do for someone, do it...even if they can't return the favor...doing something for someone that can't do nothing for you, shows character...