Hi ttdtt,
Thanks for replying. Men are just different...they don't hear the same as women, they don't think the same as women...you can say the same statement to a male & female...they will process it different...
Jerry Seinfeld had a video called, "I'm telling you for the last time". Hilarious...He brings out that no matter how badly men behave they still have a woman....Charles Manson had more than one...men can part their hair on the side because they are balding & still get a women....Now if a woman shows a little bit of age, because our society is so focused on youth, we dare not step to a man...the media is full of young tender women...plastered everywhere..in every commercial, books, mags. etc...our Society makes one feel bad that they are old...but old is what you get if you are lucky, the alternative is...DEATH...
Men are driven by Testosterone's & they are visual...
Men are just men...they are not the difficult to understand...they are basic humans...not as complicated as women...men keep it simple, that's one of the things that I like about them...
There are 3 sides to the truth...his, hers & the truth...
I don't know who or what to believe anymore...men have their agenda's and so do women...Did these women want to further their career and it didn't happen so they get mad and accuse...did the men really assault them ? I've learned in my life, don't step over a man's threshold, unless you are prepared for the next step...I'm not saying a man should expect something or force himself, but ladies, we got to be smarter...
Again, this type of thing has been going on for years...older men need to be excited to perform and only young and fresh will do it for them ( I guess)...Many a younger man/boy has had sex for the first time with an older women...
Nobody on here can deny looking at a young THANG...male or female...& have said yummy, but did not act on it, just said, "Wow, if I was younger"...
Yet, if this is all true...I hope the women can get some type of closure....
Could this trickle down to the org..