Strip off...think about those words...has anyone ever stripped paint off of something, hard work ain't it? Depending on how much paint is on it...Just the word strip, sounds like it hurts...it hurts to change old habits...so many of the witnesses can't strip off the old personality, why ? Because it hurts...they just appear to change by their comments or coming to the meetings, keeping up on JW.TV, reading all the latest, shunning, looking like a good witness, but they haven't changed a bit...
I'm in a hall, everyone looks and sounds like a Christian, but ask for something, watch them shuffle. Ask for a loan, they have to ask their spouse, that's an easy way to say"NO"...need a ride, got to ask at least 10 folks before you get one if at all....
Witnesses know how to make it look like they have changed, but take it from me....Most of them haven't, they are faking it 'til they make it...
It's hard for folks to change...sometimes it takes you years to be who you are bad or good so it will take some more years for you to change...People only change when they are sick and tired of being sick and tired...