I agree....with all these molestation cases being exposed, you would think JW's would be exposed as well. But what is their protection....Jehovah?????
One of the politicians have been exposed from something that happened 40 yrs. ago. Many are stepping up to confess.
On this site a woman did a video of how she awakened....she was torn to pieces after what she learned...I mean distraught...so as much as the org. should be exposed there are so many like her in the congregation....just imagine millions of witnesses having the rug pulled from under them...the Health Care community couldn't keep up with the meds., they would have to administer....Many would just fall apart. Others would breathe a sigh of relief they've been awake for a long time...but just didn't know how to leave...without being labeled...so like me many are awakened but just don't have the guts to leave, because that's what it takes GUTS. Not to worry about what they say about you....
Many believe if they leave their is no where else to go...there are many non-denominational places of worship, you just have to search...most places of worship are places where you hear motivational speech, not too much doctrine. Of course you'll hear about Heaven instead of Paradise, according to other places of worship, if we are good we go to heaven and others go to a hot place...whatever, it's all about control...if you are bad, you to a hot place or according to WT doctrine, you simply won't exist anymore....trinity, that's nothing...a place of worship is supposed to bring one peace of mind....and able to endure day by day...
The trap of the WT is the social aspect and having people who know you. You have a circle of friends, whether they are conditional friends or not...again, most not all witnesses are social misfits, so they have found a place where they fit...
So, should the org. be exposed all at once or should it be like a drip...a little at a time...the friends couldn't take it...but the way things are being exposed...it just may be a matter of time....
In our hearts we shouldn't want any harm to come to people, so we'll just pray (those who still believe in prayer) that God will do it his way (again, for those who believe). God sees the big picture. I know a sister that if the org. was exposed, she would faint dead away, the org. is all she has.