dearest Aggie
how about we make a deal. if you e-mail me a pic i will ask simon to delete the tread "what up wit Aguest". how about it?
JoinedPosts by sawthelight
Nothing's Up with AGuest....
by AGuest inso, simon, would you please find it in your heart to delete this post and the one entitled, "what's up with aguest?
" they're both very 'off topic', unnecessary, and taking up valuable board space.. thank you.. sj
So, who REALLY were/are the "Nephilim"?
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
once again, i have received a 'writing' on my heart, which i am directed to share with any and all who will 'receive' it.. for many years, the wtbts and others have taught the "nephilim" to be the offspring of angels who had relations with the daughters of men, half-breed beings that wreaked havoc in a violent way in the earth during the days of noah, just prior to the flood.
that, dear ones... is an error... and a lie.. by the spirit of my father, the holy one of israel, jah of armies, that is in me by means of christ, i say to you that the "nephilim"... are spirit creatures, ancient beings... 'of old'... princes from the spirit realm, the 'wicked spirit forces'... that came to the earth to 'fell' earthling man in the days of noah.. these being are those that i saw standing to the left of my father's throne, shrouded in darkness, and 'egging' on the 'battle' between to the two brilliant cherubs on the ark, the 'arkangels', which i related to you previously on h20.
hey utopian
leave my woman alone!
i think the picture is in poor taste or even no taste
So, who REALLY were/are the "Nephilim"?
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
once again, i have received a 'writing' on my heart, which i am directed to share with any and all who will 'receive' it.. for many years, the wtbts and others have taught the "nephilim" to be the offspring of angels who had relations with the daughters of men, half-breed beings that wreaked havoc in a violent way in the earth during the days of noah, just prior to the flood.
that, dear ones... is an error... and a lie.. by the spirit of my father, the holy one of israel, jah of armies, that is in me by means of christ, i say to you that the "nephilim"... are spirit creatures, ancient beings... 'of old'... princes from the spirit realm, the 'wicked spirit forces'... that came to the earth to 'fell' earthling man in the days of noah.. these being are those that i saw standing to the left of my father's throne, shrouded in darkness, and 'egging' on the 'battle' between to the two brilliant cherubs on the ark, the 'arkangels', which i related to you previously on h20.
come on shelby how about a pic
So, who REALLY were/are the "Nephilim"?
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
once again, i have received a 'writing' on my heart, which i am directed to share with any and all who will 'receive' it.. for many years, the wtbts and others have taught the "nephilim" to be the offspring of angels who had relations with the daughters of men, half-breed beings that wreaked havoc in a violent way in the earth during the days of noah, just prior to the flood.
that, dear ones... is an error... and a lie.. by the spirit of my father, the holy one of israel, jah of armies, that is in me by means of christ, i say to you that the "nephilim"... are spirit creatures, ancient beings... 'of old'... princes from the spirit realm, the 'wicked spirit forces'... that came to the earth to 'fell' earthling man in the days of noah.. these being are those that i saw standing to the left of my father's throne, shrouded in darkness, and 'egging' on the 'battle' between to the two brilliant cherubs on the ark, the 'arkangels', which i related to you previously on h20.
come on aggie give us a pic
So, who REALLY were/are the "Nephilim"?
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
once again, i have received a 'writing' on my heart, which i am directed to share with any and all who will 'receive' it.. for many years, the wtbts and others have taught the "nephilim" to be the offspring of angels who had relations with the daughters of men, half-breed beings that wreaked havoc in a violent way in the earth during the days of noah, just prior to the flood.
that, dear ones... is an error... and a lie.. by the spirit of my father, the holy one of israel, jah of armies, that is in me by means of christ, i say to you that the "nephilim"... are spirit creatures, ancient beings... 'of old'... princes from the spirit realm, the 'wicked spirit forces'... that came to the earth to 'fell' earthling man in the days of noah.. these being are those that i saw standing to the left of my father's throne, shrouded in darkness, and 'egging' on the 'battle' between to the two brilliant cherubs on the ark, the 'arkangels', which i related to you previously on h20.
they are non adamite for sure. either demons or thier offspring.
Does anyone here believe the Bible?
by sawthelight inive noticed many posts relating to evolution and i'm just wondering does anyone frequenting this board believe in the bible?
it seems that just because most have bad experiences with the wt that everyone here is an atheist.
i myself was something at least of an agnostic for quite some time after breaking free of the borg, but now i see things in a different light.
the importance of the bible to me is that YAHWEH isn't doesn't consult with me on a personal basis like he does with AGuest. Paul said something to the effect that the scripture had been wriiten down for the benefit of future generations(those who will not study history are doomed to repeat it.
Bible forced abortion on women?
by Naeblis innumbers 5.
and the lord spake unto moses, saying,.
speak unto the children of israel, and say unto them, if any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him,.
i don't read it as referring to prenancy only to infidelity. if she was innocent everything's ok. if she's guilt of playing the harlot then SHE rots from the inside and dies a painful death. death was the penalty for this type of offence under mosaic law so why just abort the unborn, why would't the scripture refer to the woman's demise. answer, because that is exactly what is refered to her rotting. no unborn is mentioned.
Bible forced abortion on women?
by Naeblis innumbers 5.
and the lord spake unto moses, saying,.
speak unto the children of israel, and say unto them, if any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him,.
this doesn't sound like abortion to me. it sounds like if the woman was innocent she became fertile and bare children to her lawful mate. if she was guilty of fornication then she would rot or something on the inside. no seed(offspring) is mentioned until the last verses and this after the woman is proven innocent. so how can a woman have an abortion if she isn't pregnant?
to play devil's advocate, if she had been pregnant(it isn't stated just why the husband was jelous?(was her belly growing but then again that could be his fault))by another man her husband cannot provide for this child especially can he not provide an inheritance (every 50 years land had to be returned to the family that owned it within the mosaic law.also such offspring wouldn't be entitled to inheritance from his biological father because of illegitamate birth.
now, knowing that Israel agrred to the mosaic law and agreed to be bound to it and recieve both blessings and cursings according to their behavior i don't see what the problem is.
Does anyone here believe the Bible?
by sawthelight inive noticed many posts relating to evolution and i'm just wondering does anyone frequenting this board believe in the bible?
it seems that just because most have bad experiences with the wt that everyone here is an atheist.
i myself was something at least of an agnostic for quite some time after breaking free of the borg, but now i see things in a different light.
when you say Christianity are you talking about state regulated religions? i don't like these either. if your wondering what i'm referring to, it is the tax exempt gov't corps called religious organisations. in the USA they are 501c3 other countries have similar setups. these are not headed by YHWH but by the respective liciencing government. keep this in mind when examing the behavior of adherents to the these groups. the anlican curch headed by the ruling monarch of England is also the same as well as the church of ROme and any other state sponsered state regulated "religion"